Kailash Sirohia's arrest shows state retaliation: IPI Nepal Chapter


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The International Press Institute (IPI) Nepal Chapter has expressed deep concern over the arrest of Kantirpur Publications President Kailash Sirohia from his office.

Kailash Sirohia's arrest shows state retaliation: IPI Nepal Chapter

General Secretary Shiromani Dhungana has issued a statement on Wednesday and said that the arrest of President Sirohia while Kantipur was publishing/broadcasting the issue of misappropriation of funds of the cooperative has given rise to the suspicion of political revenge . At the time when Sirohiya has been cooked, the attitude of the government has been questioned. There are places where it can be suspected that this step is not taken for political revenge,'' the statement said.

It has been mentioned that IPI Nepal Chapter has a strong belief that acts directed by retaliation and abuse of state power are against the universal recognition of freedom of press and expression. The chapter has requested the government not to do this type of activity and to create an environment where the media world can work without fear.

Democracy can only be strengthened by ensuring political participation, transparency, promotion of autonomous organizations and accountability, including freedom of expression, he said. "In this context, the IPI Nepal Chapter appeals to the government to remain fully committed to the values ​​of democracy and create a suitable environment for press freedom and people's right to information," the statement said.

Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane arrested Sirohia on Tuesday from the central office of Thapathali on Tuesday while series of news were being published in Kantipur and the English-language Kathmandu Post about possible involvement in the money laundering case. Home Minister Lamichhane has been involved in the case of misappropriation of crores of money from the cooperative while he was the managing director of Gorkha Media Network.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ ९, २०८१ १७:२५
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