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Order to submit written argument note in Bamjan case

ओमप्रकाश ठाकुर

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In the case against Ram Bahadur Bamjan, who is in Mahottari Jail, it has been ordered to submit the written argument notes of the lawyers for both the plaintiff and the defendant.

Order to submit written argument note in Bamjan case

Sarlahi District Court Judge Fanindra Prasad Parajuli's bench has ordered the lawyers of both the plaintiff and the defendant to submit a written argument note. The lawyers for the plaintiff government of Nepal and the defendant Bamjan argued in the courtroom of Judge Parajuli on Wednesday.

Advocate Kailash Dahal of the District Public Prosecutor's Office on behalf of the plaintiff and 6 lawyers from Kathmandu and the district on behalf of the defendant Bamjan informed the Srestadar House Officer of the District Court. "There has been an order to submit a written argument note to the legal professionals on both sides within three weeks," said the official. After the bench ordered Bamjan to be remanded in custody in the 'sexual gratification and child sexual abuse' case, he is currently in Jaleswar jail in Mahottari. Bamjan, who was accused of missing his followers, was arrested by the Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) of Nepal Police from his house in Budhanilkanth, Kathmandu on the evening of 24th January last. The arrested Bamjan was handed over by the CIB to the District Police Office Malangwa on the night of January 25.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २१, २०८० १७:००
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