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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २३४

Galjen Sherpa on national affairs and Kamala Pant on the good governance committee are sure to be the chairpersons


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Under the National Assembly, it has been confirmed that Sonam Galgen Sherpa will be the chairperson of the Federalism Strengthening and National Concerns Committee and Kamala Pant will be the chairperson of the Development, Economic Affairs and Good Governance Committee. On Saturday, Sherpa and Pant filed their candidatures for the post of committee chairman after reaching the secretariat of the National Assembly at Singha Durbar.

Galjen Sherpa on national affairs and Kamala Pant on the good governance committee are sure to be the chairpersons

Only one person has been nominated for the post of chairman of both committees. Both will be elected unopposed. However, it will be officially announced only on Sunday, according to Dasharad Dhamala, Assistant Spokesperson of the Federal Parliament Secretariat.

Sherpa is an MP of CPN-UML while Pant is an MP of Nepali Congress. Federalization and National Concerns Committee and Development, Economic Affairs and Good Governance Committee's tenure ended and the leadership was vacant. According to the provisions of the National Assembly Rules, the Second Amendment Rules, the election must be held within 15 days from the date of vacancy of the post of Speaker, the election must be held within 5th of Chaitra.

Gopi Bahadur Sarki Achami proposed Sherpa as the chairman of the committee, while Indira Devi Gautam and Durga Gurung supported it. Likewise, member Narayanadatta Bhatt has proposed Pant as the chairman of the Development, Economic Affairs and Good Governance Committee, while Shardadevi Bhatt has supported it.

Assistant Spokesperson Dhamala informed that a meeting of Development, Economic Affairs and Good Governance Committee has been called for 2 o'clock and a meeting of Federalization Strengthening and National Affairs Committee for 1 o'clock to formally announce and elect the Chairman.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र ३, २०८० १५:२०
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