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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १७५

Legal arrangements should be made to monitor the business of cooperatives: Law Minister Giri


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Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Padam Giri has said that legal arrangements should be made to monitor the transactions of cooperatives like banks. Addressing the Sahakari Digital Conclave on Thursday, he said that when governments are investing billions, there is a problem now that there is no monitoring of how such funds are being used.

Legal arrangements should be made to monitor the business of cooperatives: Law Minister Giri

'Rashtra Bank A system must be created to monitor the financial system of each day's cooperatives. Minister Giri said, 'members and regulatory bodies should know where the bodies are and where the investments are being made.'

He said that comments are being made as if some co-operatives are bullies and all co-operatives are bullies. He said that everyone should not be understood in the same way. 'Government is good, it should be made more organized . Just because some say they cheated, not everyone cheats like that' Minister Giri said.

He method He said that action should be taken against cooperative operators who disburse loans. "But here the lenders go to jail, the borrowers ride Prado Pajero and do not pay the loan," he said. The debt received must be paid.' He will not collect the loan from the borrower but also how to collect the amount when the directors are arrested Said to be careful. 'has wronged the operators And if it is to be closed, how will the savings be returned ? What happens when you give it back after some time? Should we give time to improve? We should take care of what will solve the problem quickly' he said.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १, २०८० १३:१२
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