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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २३४

Rajendra Pandey's complaint to the Prime Minister: He walked as if he had left the bank of the river


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Rajendra Prasad Pandey, the vice-president of the power partner CPN (United Socialist Party), has criticized Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal. Pandey expressed anger towards Prime Minister Dahal for not informing the CPN (Unified Socialists) about creating a new power equation.

Rajendra Pandey's complaint to the Prime Minister: He walked as if he had left the bank of the river

Speaking at the House of Representatives meeting on Wednesday, Vice President Pandey objected that the Prime Minister had done an unethical act of leaving them stranded while forming the latest alliance. He also said that the Prime Minister is in a bad situation if Congress and UML move together.

'We are a force that has come to protect the constitution of this country on behalf of the unified socialist, against the individualism of birth within the party. We were in the alliance formed by you after breaking up the party that we made by rebelling. They left us on the road and walked away like a sledgehammer that was carried away by the river. What is more immoral than this? I want to ask the Prime Minister from this rostrum - what is more immoral than this?,' he said.

Vice President Pandey said that he complained to Prime Minister Dahal because he had the ability to listen patiently.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन ३०, २०८० १४:४४
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