कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Appointed Consul for the State of New South Wales and Victoria, Australia


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The Nepal government has appointed consuls in two major states of Australia. Sanjeev Sharma has been appointed consul in New South Wales, the largest state in terms of population, and Nirajan Gowley in Victoria, the second largest state.

Appointed Consul for the State of New South Wales and Victoria, Australia

Earlier, Deepak Khadka in New South Wales state and Chandra Yonjan in Victoria were given the responsibility as Consul General. Khadka resigned as the Consul General of New South Wales before the end of his 4-year term, while Chandra Yonjan's term had ended.

The government was being criticized for the delay in appointing a consul in the state of New South Wales, where there are about 100,000 Nepalese residents, while Yonjan was acting as acting consul after the end of his term in Victoria. Among the names sent for consular appointment, the names of Sharma and Gowli were appointed by the Council of Ministers after the Ministry of Foreign Affairs approved them.

Sharma, who has been appointed consul for the state of New South Wales, is the director of the professional organization Expert Group. He has invested in various areas not only in Australia but also in Nepal and is preparing to open a modern resort in Rara. In addition to this, Expert Education, which he started, is providing its services from dozens of countries. After being appointed Consul, Sharma said that he will work for the rights of all Nepalis and work to improve the commercial, diplomatic and economic relations between Nepal and Australia. He said that apart from the regular work of his consul, there are various plans such as promoting investment in Nepal, connecting the second generation directly with Nepal. "I will give as much as I can to the country of my birth as a consul," he told Kantipur.

Gowli, who was appointed consul for Victoria, is an engineer and businessman by profession. He has worked at various levels in the government agencies here. In addition to that, he has been conducting various training and public awareness programs on mental health, road safety, etc. Gowli said that he belongs to this society and will work for the rights of Nepal and Nepali people through the discussion and consultation of the Nepali community. He said that since Nepal is the second largest state in terms of population, he will work in areas such as economic investment and expansion of diplomatic relations in Nepal from here. "As a commercial ambassador, I will work hard for the welfare of Nepal and Nepali people together with everyone," Gowli said.

The Nepali Embassy in Australia is located in Canberra. The role of the consulate is considered important as not all Nepalis have easy access to the embassy. There are about 70,000 Nepali students in Australia, and the consulate provides assistance to them in their problems. Both consular appointees have said that after all the procedures are completed by the Department of Foreign Affairs here, they will effectively start their service by having their own office and staff.

प्रकाशित : असार ९, २०८१ १३:३६
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