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Super judge's electricity next year

आश गुरुङ

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Electricity will be produced from the 40.27 MW Super Nyadi hydropower project under construction in the northern part of Lamjung, Ngadikhola, only next year.

Super judge's electricity next year

The project had made a schedule to produce electricity by the end of this June. According to the project, the construction period has been extended by 1 year.

Project Managing Director Dinesh Gurung informed that 72 percent of the construction work of the project under construction in Ngadikhola, which flows through the border of Marsyangdi Rural Municipality 6 and 7, has been completed. According to him, the construction work has been progressed rapidly so that the project can be completed by the end of May 2082.

'Initially, we were delayed due to the corona epidemic, the flood, the delay in the arrival of explosives from India, the construction of a long access road,' he said, 'now we are moving forward with the speed of work, the Barkhayam flood is causing problems.' is

The construction work of the project, which is being built under the promotion of Siuri Nyadi Power Limited, has started from the month of January 2076. The civil structure of the project is being constructed by RK Hydro Pvt Ltd under G&G Infra Pvt Ltd. India's Global Hydro Pvt Ltd is working towards electromechanical. Nepal's Precision Hydro Pvt Ltd is doing hydro mechanical work. The work of the transmission line is being done by AS Construction Pvt Ltd. According to Biratdev Bhatta, the technical head of the

project, the dam will be constructed above Dahra, Marsyangdi Rural Municipality 6. The water brought from the 6 thousand 885 meter tunnel will be pumped into the underground power plant that will be built near the village of Naiche and electricity will be generated. The power plant will have 2 vertical Pelton turbines. The grasshead of the project is 733 meters.

According to him, 85 percent of the tunnel work has been completed. He said that the work of the dam (dam) has progressed at a rapid pace with the drilling of a 1,700 meter tunnel from phase 1 to 2 a few days ago. Work is being done on 8 phases of the tunnel. He said that the work of all 7 subsidiary tunnels has been completed. Bhatt said that the penstock will be 690 meters on the ground, 290 meters in the vertical tunnel and 250 meters in the horizontal tunnel and its work is in progress.

In the Super Nyadi hydroelectric project, NMB is leading the loan investment of 5 billion 25 crore rupees by 4 banks. The promoter's equity (equity) is 1 billion 75 crore rupees. Managing Director Gurung said that the project will be built at a cost of 7 billion rupees, with 75 percent of the bank and 25 percent of the promoter. According to him, Lamjungbasi has a ``promoter'' share of about 20 million rupees in the project. The electricity produced by the

project will be connected to the Tarikuna substation of the Nepal Electricity Authority under construction 11 km away. For this, Super Nyadi will construct a 5.1 meter long 132 KV single circuit transmission line up to Nyadi Hydroelectric Project.

The 6 km single circuit constructed earlier by the Nyadi project is also going to be 'sharing' by the Super Nyadi project. According to the project, a power purchase agreement (PPA) has been made at the rate of Rs 4 80 paisa per unit during the rainy season for 6 months and Rs 8 40 paisa per unit during the 6 months of winter.

प्रकाशित : असार २१, २०८१ १०:३१
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