कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

We will make it easier to take the 6 trillion investable funds in the banks to the market: Finance Secretary Marasini


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Finance Ministry Secretary Madhukumar Marasini has said that the government will facilitate the transfer of 6 trillion investable funds in banks to the market through economic policy.

We will make it easier to take the 6 trillion investable funds in the banks to the market: Finance Secretary Marasini

Speaking at the upcoming monetary policy discussion program organized by Nepal Economic Journalists Association (SEJAN) on Tuesday, Secretary Marasini expressed this opinion. He said that the government will make the market transparent. Mentioned .

The Ministry of Finance mentioned that the 6 billion investable amount in the bank will be facilitated by policy and will create an environment to go to the market .

'There is a bad lock in the economy due to pressure on revenue . The Ministry of Finance has already disbursed some money for subsidized loans and insurance . There is news in newspapers about misappropriation of funds and when we are going to do something, we have to see what is written in which newspaper,' He said, 'We are in the last month of the current fiscal year. It is time to increase expenses. No matter how scattered the budget is, what we lose will not be spent in the end . By bringing it, the created and mandatory obligation is to pay to the national pride and battle . We don't give the new ones either . We are also transparent. There are many questions about our transparency. The market will be made transparent. The Ministry of Finance is looking at the 6 trillion investable amount in the bank with priority. We will leave no stone unturned to facilitate the release of that money through economic policy . Where and how much improvement should be made in the economic policy. We will do that . We will make it easy for the 600 billion rupees in banks to go to the market.'

He said that he is confident that the upcoming monetary policy will also make the economy run.

*Corrected: The should have been 6 billion, but it has been corrected.

प्रकाशित : असार ११, २०८१ १४:३३
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