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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

The target is to reach 4500 megawatts in the next financial year: Minister Basnet


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Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation Minister Shakti Bahadur Basnet has said that the target is to reach 4500 megawatts of total electricity production in the next financial year.

The target is to reach 4500 megawatts in the next financial year: Minister Basnet

Answering the questions raised by MPs in the House of Representatives on the Ministry's budget for the next fiscal year, Minister Basnet said that the government aims to reach 4500 megawatts of total electricity production in the next fiscal year.

In the next 12 years, Minister Basnet also said that the target is to reach 28,500 megawatts of total power generation capacity. He also informed that the government has made legal provisions to involve the private sector in electricity business.

"In the next 12 years, the energy development roadmap and action plan 2080 has been implemented with the goal of increasing the total power generation capacity to 28,500 megawatts and increasing the capacity of the transmission and distribution system accordingly."

Improvement and expansion in production, transmission, construction, distribution system, increase in internal consumption, integrated roadmap and action plan of saving electricity export business is the roadmap and action plan of our energy development,' Minister Basnet said, 'for that, more institutional and other policies are necessary. And the action plan about legal reform is also included. According to that, projects up to 10 megawatts do not need to be in the process of PPA and can do PPA directly.'

Stating that the state's policy of public-private sector partnership is being systematically implemented in the energy sector, Minister Basnet said, 'more attention has also been paid to increasing the participation of the private sector . Our goal is to increase our total electricity production capacity to 4500 megawatts in the coming fiscal year.

Minister Basnet said that he is also working on solar and wind energy. He also informed that PPA is going to be done for 800 MW solar production.

प्रकाशित : असार १०, २०८१ १८:०३
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