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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ४७

Democratization of politics and importance of student politics

जीपी मैनाली

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To be able to hear people's screams.
How many more ears should be added to people?
To say 'now it's too much'.
How many more people have to die?
The answer is flying around us everywhere.
– Bob Dylan
50 years ago, B-52 bombers were dropping M-121 bombs weighing more than 1 ton on the slums of Vietnam.

Democratization of politics and importance of student politics

The children of Mailai village, who lost their families and were injured in the destruction of modern weapons, were screaming with the sound of piercing the sky . The so-called developed world was silent. At the same time, students in several American universities, including Princeton, were demonstrating against their own government by singing similar songs of Dylan .

The world was watching with amazement through black and white television, which had recently started to spread globally, and how the young people of the same country resisted in the heart of the superpower that was dominating the world through the power of wealth and skill.

At the center of this fearless and noble activity were students. However, this was neither the first student movement nor the last. But its wave was global. Until today, its reflection can be seen in philosophy, thought, music and culture.

There is an indelible mark of student struggle from the roots of Nepali modern history to the last corner. Whether it is Gangalal Shrestha, who was shot in Shobha Bhagwati at the age of 22 after leaving the class of Trichandra Campus, or the Nepalese student studying in Banaras. Is it Sahana-Sadhana to ask questions with eye contact in front of Shri 3 Maharaj or why should it not be the students of Tridhara who are studying traditional ritual . The story of student activism, resistance and courage is equally brilliantly present in every era and system. From the Chinese Kazi who fell while fighting against the Delhi Agreement, on the banks of Deumai Today's democracy has got a chance to move to the left by standing in the blood of thousands of youths like Ratnakumar Bantwa who was killed, Dil Bahadur Ramtel who was killed in Gorkha on 14th of February 2015, Benoz Adhikari who was killed in Morang. The movement that has a history of sacrifice and sacrifice is standing in confusion today.

Contemporary times are repeatedly questioning the justification of politics and student movement. From the news of a professor being beaten to death by students in the campus, only the direct interest of the student leaders in the contracts and transfer-promotions in the campus has become old and the questions raised by the movement, which all of us involved in the youth movement must answer, are coming to the front page of the newspaper.

It is certainly not normal to hear the voice of banning student politics in the university from the mouth of the current education minister. There are many questions and he is looking for answers. In the modern history of Nepal, this time is the time of the most youthful indolence . This time is not banning student politics, but demanding more cultured student activism. There is a trading world of despair filled with pure darkness . A meeting of the Central Committee of Akhil (Revolutionaries) has recently concluded amid fears that suspicions that motivation, courage and creativity have been neutered will turn into reality. That meeting should also have answered the descendants of the martyrs, the missing family members and the entire line of people who came from the movement and stood in the middle.

The participants present at Pragya Bhawan from all over the country were staring at those sitting on the stage without blinking an eye. Almost a thousand more pairs of eyes were looking at Prime Minister Prachanda, the leader of the movement and change. There was hope, anger, dream and question in their eyes. Their eyes were demanding the inevitable and unwavering resolution of a brighter future.

Another important part is the building of a community that questions, challenges and struggles against the abuses of power and power. It is possible only through conscious and creative politics . If the youth of all the slums of the country do not give their voice, the politics will start to become patrimonial. The day the Maoist movement is not allowed to move away from the basic class and the Akhil (revolutionary) movement is basically deprived of being a theater of the children of the people, this movement will automatically die. To democratize politics or The importance of student politics to bring politics to the people is very important.

The issue of ownership, access and quality in the educational sector is never a purely technical matter of governance. Our republic is informed by the philosophy of participation and inclusion. It requires continuous active participation and intervention of stakeholders. That's why the youths involved in the student movement are the activists who spread the light from the rural Musahar settlement to the remote settlement of Karnali .

Akhil (Revolutionary) has given a new opportunity to these millions of young students. It has encouraged them to join in nation building from their respective areas. Overall, this meeting has decided to find a new way to find answers to the questions raised about the student movement. Let's move towards the National Conference through the new political corridor.

(Mainali is the vice president of Akhil (Krantikari))

प्रकाशित : असार ६, २०८१ १३:३३
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