कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५२

Art by 8 artists in 'Aniccha'


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8 famous artists of the world are holding an art exhibition under the title 'Anichcha'. In the week-long art exhibition held at Lichchavi House in Buddh, artists from various backgrounds have presented a sense of impermanence.

Art by 8 artists in 'Aniccha'

The exhibit, curated by Canadian artist Emily Avery Yoshiko Crowe, will run from March 11 to 17. The

exhibition also includes photography, painting, video and interactive programs. Film director, writer and guru Khinse Norbu inaugurated the art exhibition. Tari Ratna Pradhan, program head of Lichchavi House, said that they are excited to show the unique art style of all the artists. 'Each artwork included here has also presented a thorough and extensive presentation of how life is always changing,' she said.

Charvei Sai from France, Lucinda Kamen from Britain, Dalist and Bhramadev Pushpa from the East, Karma Wangchuk from Bhutan, Gauri Gill from India and Mahima Singh from Nepal are performing art .

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १३, २०८० १७:४५
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