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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Chinese spacecraft returned to Earth with samples from the moon

Scientists claim that it will help make important discoveries, including water on the moon

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The Chinese lunar probe has returned to Earth with a sample of the moon's surface. According to Xinhua News Agency, the unmanned Chinese lunar rover Chang'e-6 has returned to Earth with a sample of the far side of the moon. The plane landed in the desert of Inner Mongolia on Tuesday.

Chinese spacecraft returned to Earth with samples from the moon

Scientists have said that the model brought from the moon can prove to be helpful for important research and discovery about planet formation. The China National Space Administration (CNSA) said the mission was a complete success. Chang'e-6 Chinese President Xi Jinping has congratulated the successful completion of the mission. He has also asked the scientists to make new discoveries about the universe.

His request is also to advance the country by continuing the research and discovery process for the betterment of the human world. Different countries are also sending probes at different times to investigate whether or not humans can live on the moon . China is the only country to send a spacecraft to the far side of the moon. Scientists have been expressing suspicion that there is a portion of ice on the moon. which can help to make oxygen, water and hydrogen .

According to Xinhua , the 'Returner' was separated from the 'Orbiter' at a distance of about 6,000 kilometers above the South Atlantic Ocean. Xinhua also reported that the 'capsule' entered the Earth's atmosphere at 1:41 pm on Tuesday. About 10 kilometers above the ground, the parachute opened and the 'returner' landed at a predetermined location.

Beijing Aerospace Control Center engineer Peng Deyun also said that the Chang'e-6 mission is very difficult. The 'returner' will be airlifted from Inner Mongolia to Beijing. Scientists will investigate the sample brought by the returner in Beijing. After handing over to the laboratory, first we will open the container containing the sample. We will draw a sample. We will separate the sample collected from the surface of the moon and the sample taken from below the surface,' Chang'e-6 Wang Kiong, deputy chief designer of the mission, says .

The scientists claim that the sample brought by the Chinese spacecraft will help in researching the composition of the moon. China sent the spacecraft to the moon in the first week of May from the Wenchang Space Launch Center in China's Hainan Province.

प्रकाशित : असार ११, २०८१ २१:३४
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