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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Angels Heart and Valley in the semifinals


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Hosts Angels Heart reached the semi-finals of the 7th Angels Heart Cup Inter-School Basketball Tournament in Junior Boys. Angels Heart defeated Greenland with a score of 36-25 on the home court. Rupesh Paudel of Angels Heart added 13 scores.

Angels Heart and Valley in the semifinals

In junior boys, Kingdom defeated Golden Peak 29-20, Seb defeated Laliguras National Academy 13-10 and Greenfield defeated Jeevan Jyoti 21-15. Kingdom's Zigme Lama scored 13, Seb's Suzan Ghale scored 5 and Greenfield's Rison Tamang scored 11.

In senior girls, Valley Public 'B' defeated Kingdom by a score of 26-18 and secured a place in the semi-finals. Valley Public 'A', TIA and Greenland have secured the semi-finals.

Loyalty Quarterfinals

Organizer Loyalty Academy, both teams 'A' and 'B' have reached the quarterfinals of the Loyalty Cup SEE 3x3 Student Basketball Tournament. Aksharika's 'A' and 'B' teams also reached the quarterfinals.

and one, self-made, manaslu world college and time out reached the quarterfinals. 12 teams are participating in the competition. The winner will receive 20,000 and the runner-up will receive 10,000. All the participants have been given scholarships.

प्रकाशित : असार ७, २०८१ २०:४६
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