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२६.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २१४

Gopi to London Marathon with KL Dugad Group


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KL Dugad is going to provide Rs 1 lakh to runner Gopichandar Parki who is preparing to participate in the London Marathon. Kumud Dugad, managing director of KL Dugad, announced that he would give 1 lakh rupees for his preparation at the farewell ceremony of Gapi held at the Nepal Olympic Committee (NOC) on Thursday.

Gopi to London Marathon with KL Dugad Group

Managing Director Dugad, Jeevanram Shrestha of NOC, Deepak Bishta, President of Nepal Olympians Association, Rajan Maharjan, Executive Chairman of China Trade Link Pvt. Ltd., Li Ning's authorized dealer, bid farewell to Gopi.

Gopi, who will leave for that on Friday, will participate in the London Marathon to be held on 9th Baisakh. Gopi was selected for the London Olympics as the winner of the 9th Dhara Nepalgunj Marathon.

Gopi is going to participate for the first time in the London Marathon, one of the top 6 marathons in the world. Earlier, he has also participated in the Berlin Marathon.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २९, २०८० १५:२८
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