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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

UML will give a vote of confidence to the Chief Minister of Far West, not to join the government

अर्जुन शाह

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UML has decided to give a vote of confidence to the Chief Minister of Far West, Ghilg Bahadur Sodari. Santosh Kumari Sharma Thapa, deputy leader of the parliamentary party, said that the meeting of the UML state parliamentary party held on Wednesday decided to take a vote of confidence but not to participate in the government. Chief Minister Sodari is taking the vote of confidence on Thursday.

UML will give a vote of confidence to the Chief Minister of Far West, not to join the government

According to Deputy Leader Thapa, the meeting has also issued a whip to its MPs to vote in favor of the vote of confidence. "It has been decided to give a vote of confidence, but not to go to the government," said Thapa, deputy leader of the parliamentary party.

United Samajwadi Party's Sodari, who was appointed Chief Minister on May 6 with the support of UML, had earlier prepared to take the vote of confidence on May 21 and 22. But since UML is not ready, a meeting has been called for the third time on June 3 to take a vote of confidence.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ २, २०८१ १७:३२
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