कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२६.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५२

Four houses burnt down when the fire broke out in the village, one person died in the process of extinguishing it

महेश केसी

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A local 70-year-old Budi Kami died in a forest fire near Nipane village of Banfikot rural municipality-3. When the fire in the forest came towards the house, he was burnt to death while trying to put it out.

Four houses burnt down when the fire broke out in the village, one person died in the process of extinguishing it

Village Chairman Janak Kumar Vatha informed that Kami died while trying to put out the fire that started in the forest near the village this afternoon after it came towards his house. Due to the fire, four houses in the village have also been completely damaged.

Chairman Batha informed that the houses of deceased Budi Kami and other Yuvraj Vic, Anant Vic and Dhan Bahadur Bahora were destroyed by fire.

The fire is still going on. We are trying to do what can be done to prevent human and other damage,' he said.

District Police Office Police Inspector Bishnu Prasad Shrestha also confirmed this incident and said that the police have been deployed at the scene and efforts are being made to put out the fire and prevent further damage with the efforts of local residents.

Due to the fire in the dry season, there has been a huge loss in various forest areas of Rukum West.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ९, २०८१ १७:४६
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