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Farmers are shocked by broken tractors: Agricultural training for motorcycle workshops


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Farmers have to suffer because the mini trailer provided by Krishi Gyan Kendra with 50% subsidy got damaged. Farmers were disturbed after the mini trailer purchased and provided by Gyan Kendra with an investment of 37,000 and 37,000 by Gyan Kendra was damaged.

Farmers are shocked by broken tractors: Agricultural training for motorcycle workshops

The farmer complains that the mini trailer broke down less than a year after it was bought and that there is a problem for repair. Dop Bahadur Pun of Chandrakot-2 Vishukhark, who ran an agricultural firm last year, suffered a lot after the mini-trailer he received as a subsidy ran for 40/50 hours and broke down.

"It's been 1 year since I bought the tractor by paying 37,500, now the tractor broke down and the engine was replaced at 35,000," he said, "There is no warranty, no warranty, after it broke down during the planting of crops, a new engine did not get replaced."

Generally, devices have a warranty facility for replacement or repair in case of breakdown for a certain period of time . But the farmers complained that they had to suffer because the equipment purchased by the Agricultural Knowledge Center did not have that facility.

A farmer complains that the tractor that he got last year by paying 37 thousand in cash and got a 50% subsidy broke down within 2 months, but the suppliers threatened him. 'It broke as soon as we brought it, when we complained to the knowledge center, they gave us the number of Lakshmi Agro Suppliers to call the suppliers,' says a farmer of Ishma Rural Municipality, 'but the Sahuji there told us not to call here.'

When the knowledge center buys the equipment itself but does not coordinate for the repair, the farmer is forced to pay a high price for the repair. But when they complain about their problems outside, they don't open their problems for fear of not getting grant support in the future . "After my tractor broke down last year, the seller told Lakshmi Agro Suppliers that I should pay 6,000 for the repair, otherwise they cannot send people," says a farmer from Dhurkot Rural Municipality Farmers complain that not only the payment, but also that when the tractor breaks down during plowing, the schedule of the farm is ruined. 'When it's time to plow, the tractor breaks down and we can't find a man to repair it,' says Dop Bahadur, a farmer from Chandrakot - Break Gyan Kendra also has a demand of the farmers to repair the equipment by fixing the parts. "If it breaks down, you have to call a mason from Tamghas, there is no one to repair it in the village," says Mr. Prasad Khatri, a mini trailer driver of the Khare Thapachaur food crop producer group.

The information officer of Krishi Gyan Kendra Gulmi, Shiv Prasad Banjade, admitted that the farmers were harassed due to the breakdown of the machinery equipment, but said that the office keeps the minimum price while negotiating with the suppliers but does not keep the warranty. "That is a Chinese device, the contract does not provide a warranty for so many years," he said.

He said that he trained motorcycle workshop operators instead of farmers for equipment repair. "Perhaps 25 percent of the farmers have received training," he said, "but we have chosen the motorcycle workshop because the three-day training will be practical for the farmers, even if it is a small amount." He says that it was not practical when training the motorcycle workshop. "If the machine breaks down, we have to pay a separate fee when we call the mason, if we have to change the machine, there is a separate expense," says Mr. Prasad of Musikot, "If we had trained ourselves, we would have saved the cost of paying the mason."

प्रकाशित : असार १६, २०८१ १५:४७
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