कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२४.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५५

A teenage dream of saving his mother by rolling a basket

घनश्याम गौतम

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Fruits are placed in baskets made by connecting four bicycle tires with iron plates. 16-year-old Hrithik Singh Thakuri is hand-carrying a basket full of seasonal fruits in the streets of Butwal. Pushing carts in the scorching heat of Butwal, his body is drenched in sweat.

A teenage dream of saving his mother by rolling a basket

Hrithik Butwal, who sells fruits by wheeling a cart at Chokchok, belongs to Sub-metropolis-11 Majhgaon.

10 years ago, his family moved to Butwal after his father fell ill from Wanganga Municipality-3 Pipra. Hrithik, who is haunted by hard work and suffering, is relieved by the day-long trade in thela. Because if there is no business throughout the day, his mother's treatment will stop, his sister's education, his sister's house expenses will end, and his own life will change its course.

Because, at home, the mother has kidney disease. Due to lack of finances, sister left her studies and stayed at home taking care of her mother. My sister is studying in class 9. The father died of kidney failure due to lack of treatment.

Hrithik's father, who was studying in class 12 in the Faculty of Law, died two years ago at the age of 40 after both kidneys stopped working. All the money spent on treating my father for 8 years was gone. Even after selling the land of Kapilvastu, the treatment expenses were not enough. Then mother Geeta Singh gave one kidney to Babu. However, since he could not save his father, he was burdened with the burden of lack, poverty, treatment of his mother, his and his sister's education and household expenses.

After giving one kidney to father, due to lack of regular treatment and good diet, mother's other kidney has stopped working. 'Father could not be saved due to lack of finances,' he said, 'now there is a problem with my mother's kidneys, I am undergoing regular dialysis.' He said that there are only 21,000 worth of bags that were bought. "There is no other income," he said.

He reaches Sabzi Mandi in Butwal with a cart at 5 in the morning during the school holidays. They buy fruits. They keep them in baskets and go out on the streets to sell. In her basket, there are seasonal fruits like apples, bananas, mangoes. His face would light up when he met a buyer. There were tears of pain in the conversation. "Pain cannot be shown to everyone," he said. At 9 o'clock they reach home, have dinner and go to college. After returning from college at 5 pm, they again go out on the road carrying their baskets.

After finishing the business, they return home at 9 pm. After eating, they finish their college homework and go to bed at 12 midnight. His routine for the next day starts at 5 am.

There is no such thing as a big dream, let the mother's treatment be enough. To read to me and my sister," he says. If he finds a helper, he wants to graduate in law and become a lawyer. He said that during the school holidays, he used to trade in carts on the street for 16 hours.

प्रकाशित : असार १६, २०८१ १६:०८
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