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२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ६१

Student drowned in river

घनश्याम गौतम

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A student of Navin Secondary School has died after drowning in the Trishuli River in Charanga.

Silav Rayamazhi died on Thursday after drowning in the Trishuli River of Devdah Municipality-10 Charanga of Rupandehi. Rayamazhi went for a walk with his friends.

He lived in Tilottama Municipality-2 Jankinagar and was studying in Palpa. He went for a walk with 6 other friends and drowned in the river while swimming after it got hot. Although his friends rescued him and brought him to the Lumbini Regional Hospital, the hospital declared him dead, said Deputy Superintendent of Police of the Area Police Office Bijayaraj Pandit.

Biplav Puri, a friend who went with him, said that he slipped and drowned when he went back to the river to wash his body after seeing mud on his body while returning from swimming. The police have arrested four other people including Puri and are investigating.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन १०, २०८० १८:२९
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