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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ६१

A man was arrested for murdering his mother

प्रताप विष्ट

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The police have arrested the son on the charge of murdering his mother in Thaha Municipality-10 Lower Bisingkhel of Makwanpur. 26-year-old Milan Gamal was arrested by the local police office Palung on Sunday on the charge of killing 50-year-old Gianimaya Gamal in a domestic dispute.

According to Palung, Ela police office claimed that Milan strangled mother Gianimaya 20 days ago. Police inspector Shyam Thapa Magar said that during the preliminary investigation, it was revealed that Milan strangled her while she was sleeping at home.

On the night of February 29, Milan strangled his mother while she was sleeping in her room. The police did not immediately arrest Milan . Milan was arrested by the police after the post-mortem report of the deceased. According to the police, the autopsy mentions strangulation. was done Along with further investigation of the

incident Based on the post-mortem report, police inspector Thapa Magar said that when Milan was arrested and interrogated, he gave a clear statement that he strangled him to death.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १९, २०८० १४:४७
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