कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १५९

The Madhesh Provincial Assembly meeting was postponed due to the obstruction of public opinion

अजित तिवारी

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After 10 days of meeting of Madhesh Pradesh Assembly, Janmaat Party interrupted the meeting, and the meeting was adjourned. In the presence of Chief Minister Saroj Kumar Yadav, the meeting of the Provincial Assembly was interrupted demanding the formation of an inquiry committee for the attack on Janmaat Party ministers and MPs in the foundation building ceremony of the University of Agriculture.

The Madhesh Provincial Assembly meeting was postponed due to the obstruction of public opinion

At the beginning of the meeting held on Tuesday, the MPs of the Janmat Party took the stand that the meeting would not be allowed to proceed since the high-level investigation committee was not formed. Chandan Singh, spokesman of the Janmaat Party and state MP, alleged that ministers and MPs of his party were attacked in a coordinated manner during the foundation-laying ceremony of the Agricultural University at Rajviraj in Saptari on January 8. Later, when Speaker Ramchandra Mandal tried to conduct the meeting saying that the investigation committee would be formed after party consensus, MPs of Janmaat started shouting slogans while surrounding the rostrum.

"During the foundation-laying ceremony of the Agricultural University, Janmaat ministers and MPs were beaten up in the presence of the Chief Minister," Janmaat Party spokesperson Singh said in the state assembly meeting, "There was a party agreement to form an inquiry committee under the leadership of the Speaker to investigate the incident." Why was the committee not formed? We will not allow the meeting to continue until it happens.'

Although the House of Representatives promised to hold a meeting of the parties and take the initiative to form an inquiry committee, the meeting of the Provincial Assembly was adjourned after the MPs of the Janmat Party surrounded the rostrum and shouted slogans.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन १५, २०८० १७:३३
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