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२६.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५२

Why should anyone become Congress!

The Congress has not abandoned its principles, it has become angry in its behavior according to its principles. Those who stand outside Budhanilkanth's haveli and spit, they cause more damage to the Congress.
In the name of socialism, it is not to retire, but to increase production. Bringing luxury goods from outside and chanting the slogan of BP's socialism is nothing but turning into a downtrodden class in his own words.
ध्रुव सिम्खडा

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February 7, 2007. The day the door of freedom opened. On the same day, Nepali Congress has started the general committee meeting. After reading this news, the picture of the past, present and future of seven years, Congress and its leadership suddenly came to mind.

Why should anyone become Congress!

And I looked at the pictures of Vishweshwar Prasad Koirala, Suvarna Shamsher Rana, Ganeshman Singh, Krishna Prasad Bhattarai hanging on the wall of my room . He did commendable work for the country and society.

And I remembered CK Prasain and Tursha Hemran of Jhapa, Bhim Bahadur Tamang of Dolakha and Dwarikadevi Thakurani of Dadeldhura, who have been forgotten by everyone. General Minister Vishwaprakash Sharma remembers that Tursha Hemran! Prasain's 'Aajko Saral Politika', 'Practical Politics' Early Outline', 'Sannyas Ki Samajwad ?', 'Tomorrow's Economics and Politics', 'Religion and Politics' books may have been forgotten by many.

Tursha, who succeeded in rising from the tribal society and became a rankless watchman of democracy, has fallen into the pit of history! What is Bhim Bahadur's thinking of 'Congress connecting all countries'? How many women in the party of Sahasi Thakurani, who won the direct election to the House of Representatives from Dadeldhura in the Far West in 2015, won by getting tickets in the election today?

Now let's get back to the present . No one is visible anywhere . After scratching my head for a long time, the picture of Baldev Sharma Mazgaiyan was revealed . Who thought it was better to leave the ministerial post than to become corrupt . Who chose a simple, peaceful and normal life instead of living a luxurious life by paying people's taxes .

Maha Samiti members may know the House of the Speaker at Budhanilkanth, but do they also know about the dilapidated hut on the Chabahill side of Majgaiyan? Will the congressmen gathered in the General Committee meeting look for the likes of Mazgaiyan in the party? Will he be committed to unite his life with the principles and policies of the party ?

is Congress! Don't just look at your position, look at the policy. Look at the common man . Respect the tax he paid. Socialist thinker CK Prasai writes in 'Aajko Saral Politika', 'When the fixed policy is abandoned and attention is paid only to one's own position, not only politics is futile, but the politicians also end up in a bad state . Even if you get pleasure for a short time, you have to suffer degradation for the sake of the long term. Therefore, the policy should never be abandoned . You have to hold on till you live . It will definitely provide success one day.'

theory is correct, behavior is wrong.

The members of the General Committee know or not, whether the party leadership is living in harmony with the principles and practices, or they are holding the reins of politics by being angry and angry with the principles. When principles and practices do not match, as said by CK Prasar, the downfall of a party or an individual is inevitable . Isn't the leadership of the Congress party in danger of such a disaster? Will the attention of the members of the general committee go to this or not?

Congress has not left the principle, but has become angry in the behavior according to the principle . Parliamentary democracy is the principle of Congress. Today, all the political powers of the country have come to merge in the same democratic parliamentary system carried by the Congress since 77 years ago, but the Congress is reaching the position of being limited only to the signboard of the Sanepa office . Because, its leaders, activists and well-wishers are reveling in the narrow circle of self-interest . The principle of Congress is not dead, it has become stronger, but the behavior of Congressmen has become rotten.

Congresses with the character of 'saying one thing and doing another' cannot save the principle . Those who search for Baldev Sharma Majgaiyan can save the Congress. Those who stand outside Budhanilkanth's haveli and spit, will cause more damage to the Congress .

because all the democrats want to meet the Congress president without interruption. They want to share their concerns and problems, but that is not the case today. And why should anyone become Congress! Is the Congress to be a silent witness to widespread misrule and corruption? Why should common people support Congress to rob themselves?

In the 056 general election, Girija Prasad Koirala had to put forward Krishna Prasad Bhattarai as the future Prime Minister and go to the polls. Now there are no such characters left in the Congress. Be it party elections or general elections, the winning days are spent in arranging the share of the losers . The tradition of not leaving the political field after losing has made politics contaminated.

There are also those who say that the open economic policy adopted by the Congress after 048 years was not right. If the open economic policy is not right, do you want to say that the state-controlled economic policy is right? In this era of development and progress, the inevitability of an open economy is accepted by all. Both our huge markets in the north and south are developing double day and night quadruple under the principle of open market economy .

At such a time, the open market economy policy adopted by the Congress is correct . So where did it go wrong? An open market economy is not an empire of plunder, it is not a system where the state executive takes the burden of taxes to the common people and enjoys the privileges but this is what is happening here . The market is unregulated . The price is sky high . Cartelizing has fattened middlemen . Government monitoring, regulation and control is zero .

Chaotic robbery is going on here. Today it is being said everywhere that the economic policy taken by the Congress has failed. For 30 years, the Congress leadership chanted the slogan of democratic socialism with their mouths, and supported middlemanship by calling it an open market economy. They got fat, they didn't increase people's income.

Therefore, it is more appropriate to move forward with the open market economy to some extent under the state's limits and control than to continue to spread the fake slogan of democratic socialism . All traders, industrialists and innovators should understand that the open market economy is not a robbery system as it is now. To some extent the economy of state regulation, control and protection is the need now . The character of the inclusive state has improved greatly over the past 15 years . All political parties including Congress, social and cultural associations/organizations have an important role in this. Not only in Asia, but also in the world, Nepal's face has been opened in terms of ethnic, gender and regional equality. This proud question is also becoming distorted.

Due to the rabies of the leadership in appointing the relatives and associates of the leaders in the reservation quota and selling the inclusive quota to the middlemen . The tradition of giving a ticket to the Prime Minister's wife in the election, and then sending her to the parliament with a proportional quota after losing, should be completely banned. The seats for which reservation has been made should be for those communities and classes. Recently, the Supreme Court has also mentioned that Tarmara class quilts are running in it.

The slogan 'Sabhi tne dhesh, sabhi tne tne sajna, Congress tne sajna zhne' sounds sweet . If the Congress wants to connect everyone, it should be able to proceed by giving the right to self-governance to the provinces and local levels. We should not move forward with centripetal thinking and tendencies like now. Congress should take the rights to the state and local level and debate and discuss in the general committee to strengthen those units. What are the provincial and village representatives doing? How much service has he been able to provide to the public? What kind of problems are you facing? Let's debate it.

In the political, economic and social proposal to be presented in the General Committee, there is no sense in mentioning the point of view of other parties. Because, no one is enemy of Congress, all are friends . It is not the tradition and religion of the Congress to make friends and enemies after agreeing on a participatory and inclusive parliamentary system. Rather, class analysis may be his forte .

68 years ago, Nepalese society is not in that condition today. From that situation, Nepali society has progressed a lot . There have been many changes in economic, social, educational and health conditions. So the socialism envisioned by BP Koirala at that time may not be relevant today . Changing it in time is not forgetting BP and not going out of the financial model it wants. The principle is the same, it is only a matter of modifying it and developing it .

At that time, BP also talked about increasing production . He emphasized that along with the increase in production, there should be mass-oriented distribution. In the name of socialism, it is not to retire, but to increase production . Along with that, there is also consumption, but bringing in goods such as luxury cars from outside and shouting the slogan of BP's socialism, in his own words, is nothing but turning into an underprivileged class . So Congress should emphasize on 'manufacturing' economy and not 'assembling' economy.

Congress, king and religion

'King fell, secularism announced . That's why the Congress is no longer the Congress of yesterday, it has become Prachanda', the antiquarians allege. The Congress has only thrown the last straw in the continuous attack of the communists to overthrow the monarchy.

Should Girija Prasad Koirala help Udyat Raja to attack the Congress many times? I am saying that he saved the Congress from becoming RPP by 'deleting' the constitutional monarchy from the party constitution. Congress survived. Now there is no point in spending time advocating for that old and dilapidated institution.

Dissatisfaction seems to have increased greatly in the Congress regarding the issue of religion . On the 22nd of January 2080, some leaders/activists within the party formed Sanatan Hindu Rashtra Nepal Mahabhayan and appointed central member Shankar Bhandari as its coordinator.

Former minister and Congress leader Deepak Prakash Baskota's ashram in Dakshinkali was attended by Laxman Prasad Ghimire, Devendraraj Kandel, Lokesh Dhakal, foreign minister's wife Jyotsana Sawad, advisor of the campaign and former minister. They have mentioned that they will present their agenda on the abolition of secularism and Sanatan Hinduism in the upcoming General Committee meeting of the Congress . How to manage this noise within the

party? It doesn't seem like the Congress party is prepared for this. It seems to be very careful. Because, what kind of pain did Europe suffer in the 16th and 17th centuries when religion and politics were mixed together? Keeping this in mind, it seems that the supporters of Congress establishment or Sanatan Hinduism should exercise restraint. Mixing religion with politics is a path to destruction. Did BP Koirala want to make Congress the party of Hindus? or secular ?

I think BP was not in favor of any kind of religious state . He neither called religion an opium nor the state's yoke. He considered it a matter of personal rights of the individual and believed that it should be kept separate from the state. Today's Congressmen do not see anything to deviate from this.

problem and solution

By indulging in middlemanship, the Congress cannot make the society, which is burdened by shortages and problems, taste socialism . Socialism does not come by riding luxury cars made abroad. If we really want a socialist society, first of all the leaders should have socialist behavior, conduct and style.

The current problem is the lack of good governance. It is the act of the person who violates the law . What kind of socialism will come from those who break their own constitution and laws? Socialist leaders are ordinary in appearance but they are great in quality and conduct. Will there be talk about misrule and corruption in the General Committee meeting? The current problem of the country is the search for principles, lack of constitution and laws.

Nepali society is only looking for salvation from the corrupt behavior of the leadership. Has the general committee meeting made the right decision in this direction? Can't the general committee meeting be done like the mice whispering to each other saying, 'Who will tie the bell to the cat?'

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन ८, २०८० १७:५८
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