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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ४३

RP demands the government to prepare for disaster management


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The Rashtriya Prajatantra Party expressed grief over the loss of property due to the flood and landslides and demanded the government to prepare for disaster management. The meeting of RPP Central Performance Committee on Sunday requested the government to mobilize all mechanisms in disaster management.

RP demands the government to prepare for disaster management

The meeting of the Central Performance Committee has also called upon the leaders and workers of the party to work for the rescue of those affected by the calamity. "The RP expresses its grief over the loss of wealth caused by floods and landslides in various parts of the country." RPP strongly appeals to the general public to be alert and aware as the time of heavy rains is coming,' the RPP statement states, 'It draws the serious attention of the RPP government to mobilize all the mechanisms of the government to make the necessary preparations for disaster management . In addition, the RPP calls on party committees and members at all levels to be alert to the possible damage caused by the rains, and to be active immediately in the event of floods and landslides.'

When the farming season has already started, RPP has drawn attention to the government to provide chemical fertilizers and seeds to the farmers in an easy and simple way.

It is also mentioned in the release that the RPPA passed the procedure of the district convention, 2081 with amendments. The meeting of RPP central working committee has decided to complete the district convention of all districts within the next 2082 Baisakh.

प्रकाशित : असार १६, २०८१ २२:२८
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