कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ६५

The door of unity should be opened by making the left-wing cooperation successful: Prime Minister Dahal


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Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has said that he and his party are clear that the communist and left-wing forces should unite by creating a common approach to ideological questions.

The door of unity should be opened by making the left-wing cooperation successful: Prime Minister Dahal

Addressing the 'Pushpalal birth centenary' ceremony of CPN founder general secretary Pushpalal here today, Prime Minister and Chairman of CPN (Maoist Center) Dahal said that communist and left-wing forces are playing a role in the effort to unify the Nepali communist movement.

'In the past, we created CPN as an effort to unite the two biggest communist parties in Nepal. However, due to the haste to build a common vision and understanding on some of our borders and ideological issues, the unity could not be sustained," Prime Minister Dahal said, "we should learn from past experiences to strengthen the equation between the left-wing forces and strengthen cooperation."

Saying that efforts are being made to bring about qualitative changes in people's lives according to the changes in the system, Prime Minister Dahal said that after the end of the feudal system, the country has achieved qualitative progress in the fields of infrastructure, education, health, social security, and social justice.

'We have succeeded in building a socialist-oriented constitution with the strength of decades of struggle,' Prime Minister Dahal said, 'Inclusive republic instead of feudal monarchy, federal system with decentralization instead of unity, multilingualism instead of single language, religion and culture, secularism and progressive culture, etc. We have achieved.'

In the situation where the revolution has awakened the desire for quick change in the general public, there is a responsibility and challenge to increase the pace of change according to the people's desire.

प्रकाशित : असार १५, २०८१ १७:१७
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