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२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

MP Baskota's demand for speedy payment of dues of dairy farmers


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UML MP Gokul Baskota pointed out that dairy farmers have not begged the government but demanded the price of sweat and drew the attention of the government to get immediate payment. .

MP Baskota's demand for speedy payment of dues of dairy farmers

Speaking at the House of Representatives meeting on Thursday, MP Baskota objected that the demand for almost a year could not be addressed.

'Dairy farmers have not been able to get more than 5 billion from the government . Why are we crying for months without payment for the fact that the farmers ate hard, sweated and wanted to run their families and homes. Will the government laugh while making the farmers cry? Not the government of the people ? Should we answer to the public or not?' MP Baskota said, 'Even now, the dairy development organization has to pay more than 1 billion 55 million . The private sector is only engaged in business . It is only concerned with profit and not accountable .'

He said that he would not sit laughing while making the government, including dairy farmers, cry.

'Private sector gets happiness even if it doesn't buy milk . We have repeatedly raised it in this House . We said that there was a lot of trouble with the long skin. Farmers are sitting. But the price has not been found yet. In one ward, more than 6 crores is due to be paid . What is the government's view on this? What about the Prime Minister, Minister of Finance and Agriculture? The private sector can be irresponsible because it is a profiteer' He said .

He said that it is necessary to develop the capacity of dairy development institute, storage, distribution system, staff appointment and match more posts.

प्रकाशित : असार १३, २०८१ १४:०६
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