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Overview of Climate Research Centers by President Paidel

President Paydel requested scientists to suggest measures that developed countries should adopt to reduce the impact of climate change

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President Ramchandra Paudel on Sunday observed the organizations that are doing science, technology and research in the field of climate change in Germany. President Paydel observed with interest those organizations located in Potsdam, Germany.

Overview of Climate Research Centers by President Paidel

During the observation, after the scientists informed about the effects of climate change, President Poudel asked them to research the effects of climate change as well as suggest solutions that developed countries should take to reduce this effect.

'Germany is very concerned about this and is also an important country to investigate this. You research You have made great progress. But now Not only research, but also solutions should be suggested', quoting President Paudel's statement, his press adviser Kiran Pokharel said, 'The effects of climate change have been seen in Nepal. The Himalayas turned into black mountains. Now it will affect the developed countries as well and it is a matter of saving the earth. That's why you need to clearly define what the affected countries should do and what the developed countries should do. Day required .'

GFZ's Scientific Executive Director Suzna Bounter, Postdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) Research Group Head Jürgen P. Crop, research group leader of Nepali Research Institute for Sustainability Dr. Scientists including Maheshwar Rupakheti briefed President Paidel on various issues.

President Poudel arrived in Berlin, the capital of Germany, on Saturday night after visiting Switzerland. He came to Germany with his first wife Savita Paudel for an official visit at the invitation of Frank Walter Steinmeier of the Federal Republic of Germany.

He visited the German Research Center for Geoscience in Potsdam, Germany. It is Germany's national research center for solid earth science. It focuses on highly complex systems such as Earth's geography with its extensive network of subsystems of geology, its interacting subsystems, and its cause and effect chains, scientists here have informed.

Since 2015, GFZ Scientists are active in the seismic monitoring of sensitive natural destructive floods in the Himalayan region of Nepal. Similarly, in coordination with GFZ, the agreement between Nepal's Department of Mines and Geology and GEOS Germany on the early warning system for landslides was signed on 26 September 2023.

Similarly, another Research Institute for Sustainability located in Potsdam, Germany, which was observed by President Paudel, was established in 2009. It is said that it will conduct research with the goal of understanding, developing and guiding the process of social change to achieve sustainable development.

प्रकाशित : असार २, २०८१ १९:४०
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