कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ६५

'A separate law is needed in the field of climate change'


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Stakeholders have said that a separate law on climate change is necessary in Nepal to work effectively to reduce the effects of global climate change.

'A separate law is needed in the field of climate change'

They say that even though the government has made many laws related to climate change, it is necessary to create a separate law to face the challenges of climate change.

In a program organized by the international non-governmental organization Action Aid Nepal on the occasion of the World Environment Day, they also said that laws should be made taking into account the improvement of the adaptive capacity of local communities. Rama Koirala Poudel, Member of the House of Representatives, said that considering the impact of climate change, it is time to work seriously for future generations and laws should be made accordingly. MP Paudel also promised that the issue of climate change will be raised effectively in the parliament.

Advocate Padam Bahadur Shrestha said that the existing laws related to climate change are not sufficient and there are no binding provisions in those laws. He mentioned that a separate law is needed to increase access to climate finance and take steps to solve the climate problems faced by backward communities and women.

Saloni Singh, a former member of the National Planning Commission, said that the policies, rules and laws in the climate change sector are only centralized. She suggested that even if the country goes to a federal system, laws should be made so that effective work can be done at the lower level. In the

program, the laws and policies made in Nepal related to climate change were reviewed and the improvements to be made were also discussed. Meanwhile, Action Aid Nepal has released the organization's national strategy prepared by prioritizing the climate change sector. Sujita Mathema, the executive director of the organization, said that according to the national strategy, the aim is to work in areas including social justice, environmental sustainability and upliftment.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ २३, २०८१ १८:५३
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