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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७
मेड इन नेपाल

'Sancho' to Bisancho

The herbal manufacturing and processing company currently manufactures Sancho, Sancho Balm (Vix), Himalaya Massage Oil, Sancho Jata Hair Oil, Sancho Shilajit, Sancho Sanitizer, Sancho Pain Relief Oil, out of which 'Sancho' is the major product that sustains the company.

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Jitram Maharjan of Cough does not resort to allopathic medicines when he has a blocked nose or a cold. His first choice of treatment is 'Sancho'. A number of private companies are available in the market. Among them, he chooses a number of government-owned herb production and processing companies.

'Sancho' to Bisancho

He is 71 years old and uses 'Sancho' for headache, joint/joint pain. Now Sancho has become like Bisancho's friend. "In the meantime, I tried using a private production company," he said, but it was not effective. The brand name of the herbalist company is true. It is also cheaper than other companies.'

herb producer and processing company's 'Sancho' has become the first choice of most people in case of muscle pain, numbness or general nasal congestion. The only reason for this is that it works immediately after application and feels comfortable. The herbal products of the company are highly preferred not only by domestic but also by foreign consumers. Sancho oil has been exported to Sweden for the past 15 years. The herb producing company exports 50 kg of 'sancho oil' abroad every year. Sancho has been contributing not only in employment but also in earning foreign exchange. 18 years after the establishment of

herb production and processing company, Sancho production started from November 2056. According to the herb producing company, before Nepal started producing swicho, 'swicho' was imported from China. According to Revatiraj Adhikari, manager of the herb producer and processing company, the import of switcho was stopped after Nepal started production. "At that time, Nepal used to import ``Switcho'' worth 80 million rupees every year," he said . It has been found to be used even by pinnace. There are many other companies in the market producing sanchos such as Gorkha, Grace, Bhaskar, Live. In the case of Sancho, other companies have not been able to compete with the herb production and processing company. Sancho has maintained public trust in government brands. The company now manufactures Sancho, Sancho Balm (Vix), Himalaya Massage Oil, Sancho Jata Hair Oil, Sancho Shilajit, Sancho Sanitizer, Sancho Pain Relief Oil. Among them, 'Sancho' is becoming the main product to sustain the herb production and processing company.

According to the managing officer of the herbal production company, several attempts were made to stop the production of Sancho in the past days. A few years ago, when there was demand from different countries, some traders even misused Sancho's brand. It was also confirmed that they made fake Sancho and delivered it to different countries from India," he said. "After that, the company took precautions in its production. Since it is made from a blend of pure natural herbs, no one has been able to compete with Sancho so far. We do not do any adulteration in Sancho product.

Now that Sancho has come in a new pack, it has become more attractive, he said. The company has also introduced 10 ml packs in the market since 2081 Baisakh. Earlier, only 5 ml packs were available in the market. Herbs, the raw material required for Sancho production, are grown on the company's own land. For this, the company has 500 bighas in Tamagarh in Bara, 70 hectares in Belbari in Morang, 25 hectares in Tarhra in Sunsari and four and a half bighas in Tikapur in Kailali.

herbal product company is highly preferred by consumers. There is also a demand in the international market. No need to purchase raw materials. However, there is only one problem – low production. According to the company, the market demand for Sancho is 80 lakh pieces annually. Ltd.'s target is to reach one crore. However, the production is only around 5 million pieces per year. Which is 37.5 percent less than the demand. Sangeeta Yadav, general manager of

herb production and processing company, says, "This year, we are preparing to produce according to the target no matter what happens." First, you had to fill the CC by hand. Now we have gone to modern technology. The staff has also increased a bit. She said that they are also preparing to expand their branches in all seven provinces. It is prepared from a blend of aromatic oils produced from 100% natural Himalayan herbs. Herbs in it are made using mentha oil 40%, eucalyptus oil 21%, camphor 15%, dhasingre oil 2%, timur oil 1%, lemongrass oil 3.5% and fenugreek oil 1.5%.

The company has converted the production of Sancho from manual technology to modern automatic technology since 2081. Licensed to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards. A separate modern laboratory has also been arranged to test and control the quality of Sancho and other products in order to meet the demands of the consumers. According to the

company, the production of 5 ml to 10 ml has already started to meet the demand of consumers. Limited, which was established in the year 2038, has got skilled manpower after 42 years. The Public Service Commission has filled the permanent posts of 25 employees, 8 officers and 17 assistants, which have been vacant for a long time. According to the herb production company, there are 124 vacancies and 60 vacancies. The managing officer of the company said that they are coordinating with the Public Service Commission to fill the vacant posts. "Now we will gradually fill up the posts," he said.

precautions are equally important According to the

company, Sancho should not be used by children under two years of age and pregnant women. Can't be used on eyes, ears, genitals. Can be used up to three years from the production date. It can be used for cold, cough, joint pain, nasal congestion, fatigue, joint pain, muscle pain, headache, numbness and general itching. It can be used externally and can be massaged on the affected area 2-3 times a day. The company says that when massaging in this way, it is appropriate to keep 4-6 drops for adults and 2-4 drops for children below that.

Sancho Balm (Vix) can also be used for colds, coughs, stuffy noses, fatigue, headaches, sore throats, joint and muscle pains. "Sancho Jata Hair Oil" is considered to be a very useful product for solving the problem of hair loss. This oil company started production only last year. Similarly, Sancho Shilajit is contraindicated for newborns.

can be used for other age groups 1.15 to 2 grams twice a day with milk, water or honey. Shilajit is considered multi-useful for fever, obesity, blood disorders, indigestion, sexual impotence, diabetes, leprosy, vomiting, urinary disorders, nervous disorders, rheumatism, metal disorders and anorexia etc. The retail price of Sancho (5 ml), Sancho Balm (10 grams) and 'Sancho Jata Hair Oil' (50 ml) is Rs.50, Rs.45 and Rs.600 respectively. Sancho Pain Relief Oil (30ml) is priced at Rs 200 and Shilajit (40g) at Rs 500.

High demand in the international market too

The herbal production and processing company's pure and aromatic oil has a high demand in the international market. According to the company, the demand for aromatic oil in the world market is equal to 17.2 billion US dollars annually. It is estimated to grow at an annual rate of 7.5 percent until 2027. The herb production company exports aromatic oil worth Rs 4 crore every year and exports worth Rs 12-15 lakh each.

Although the demand for pure and aromatic oil is high in the international market, the company has not been able to export as much as expected. Bishwaraj Ghimire, the owner of Dhruva Tara, who has been running an Ayurveda shop for 25 years, says, 'The Himalayan herbs used to make Sancho are not available in Europe, America and the Gulf countries. Everyone likes it because it is made from natural herbs. Most of the people who go abroad carry bags.' He said that if the agencies related to herbs take initiative, they can gain fame in the world.

Tourism and herbs are being considered as the backbone of sustainable economic development of the country. If it can be done, both the responsibility and the potential of the herb production company are immense," he said. The managing officer of the herb production company said that it is not possible for the company to try to reach the international market. We will produce. The Ministry of Forestry and Environment, the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supply have a role to play in reaching the international market," he said. "We are trying to coordinate."

There are two thousand types of medicinal and aromatic plants in Nepal. The Department of Botany has so far certified 819 types of plants. Currently 300 plants are being used commercially. Among them, the herb production company is dealing in 13 types of aromatic oil-based herbs. Under the company, 800 farmers are working in herb cultivation. The company aims to have an annual turnover of one billion rupees. However, now the annual turnover of the company is only between 15 to 20 million rupees.

Company exports 13 types of aromatic oils to France, Germany, Belgium and other countries. Yadav, the general manager of a herb producing company, said that since the Ukraine-Russia war, she has not been able to export aromatic oil for two years. Aromatic oil is used to make perfumes, lipsticks, chocolates, fennel and other products. At present, the Limited is incurring an annual loss of Rs.3 crores. The managing officer of the company said that if the oil is exported, it will make a profit.

Herbs Production and Processing Company Limited Chairman Sindhuprasad Dhungana said that by increasing the production and marketing of herbal materials, the aim is to increase employment and provide significant support to the country's gross domestic product. "The company is working to open branches in all seven provinces and increase its overall capacity," he said, "Sancho is our successful product. The customer's love and attraction has become like Sancho's friend Sancho.'

प्रकाशित : असार ९, २०८१ १०:३०
जनताको राय

प्रधानमन्त्री पुष्पकमल दाहालले नेकपा एसको प्रतिवेदनमा माओवादीलाई 'अस्थिर' भनिएकोबारे महाधिवेशन उद्घाटन समारोहमै असन्तुष्टी व्यक्त गरेका छन् । माओवादीको कार्यशैली तपाईंलाई कस्तो लाग्छ ?
