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The trailer of 'Village Inga Bato' has been released


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The trailer of the film 'Gaon Inya Bato', which has reached the world's leading festivals in Toronto and Busan, has been released. Actor Dayahang Rai, actress Pashupati Rai and child actor Prasan Rai are seen in the trailer.

The trailer of 'Village Inga Bato' has been released

Actor Dayahang lost 12 kg weight for this film . Before signing the film, director Subba made Daya lose 15 kg . However, actor Dayahang, who managed to lose only 12 kg in a period of 2 months, narrated the trailer in the public program . Director Subba Daya claims that he has acted maturely in this film. Dayahang, who claims to be the best film of his career, says that he had heard talk of making 'Gaon Idi Bato' years ago, but he never thought that he would get to act in it one day. He also says that the domestic audience should support this kind of film that has reached the world market. "This kind of film, which is present in the world market, should also be played in the domestic market in order to say that the narrative style is correct," he said.

'I have already heard that this film is being made, Naveen Subba is going to direct it. But I never thought that I would be seen in this film," said Dayahang at the trailer public event. Actress Pashupati Rai, who paired up with Daya in the film, also said that she got to learn different aspects of acting while acting in this film. Produced by Amod Rai, this film is written by director Subba and Mahesh Rai. This film, made with community investment in the film, was shot by American cinematographer Josh Heram.

film has music by Heidi Lee, casting direction by Kedar Shrestha, art direction by Raj Thapa, sound design by Kishore Acharya, costumes by Sikuma Rai, editing by Kwan Poon Lung . This film is being screened all over Nepal from May 25.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १०, २०८१ २०:५२
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