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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ७१

Three bills dependent on the budget were passed by the House of Representatives


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Three bills related to the budget of the next financial year have been passed by the House of Representatives. The meeting of the House of Representatives on Sunday passed the Economic Bill, the National Debt Collection Bill and the Customs Tariff Bill.

Three bills dependent on the budget were passed by the House of Representatives

Finance Minister Varshman Pun Economic Bill, 2081; National Debt Collection Bill, 2081 and Customs Tariff Bill, 2081 were presented to be passed in the House of Representatives meeting.

Prem Suwal, Prakasharan Mahat, Dilendra Prasad Badu and Kiran Kumar Sah discussed the economic bill. Answering the questions raised by the parliamentarians on the bill, Finance Minister Pun said that general changes have been proposed in the economic bill to make the tax laws scientific and investment-friendly and transparent.

Then the National Debt Collection Bill, 2081 It was proposed that it be passed. MP Prem Suwal proposed an amendment to this bill. The amendment proposed by him was rejected by the majority of the members of the House of Representatives. The finance minister said that through the

bill, the public debt was spent on productive work. Informing that expenditure mobilization and debt management is being done based on the recommendations of the Finance Commission, Minister Pun made it clear that the policy of including the implementation plan along with the development assistance program agreement was taken. He stated that the public debt is within the desirable limits, mentioning that internal and external loans had to be taken as expenses could not be managed only through revenue mobilization. Minister Pun also informed that a new development partner policy has been adopted.

The proposal to pass the Customs Tariff Bill, 2081 was discussed before presentation. MPs Rajendra Kumar KC and Prem Suwal participated. The amendment proposal on the Customs Tariff Bill put by MP Suwal was rejected.

Finance Minister Pun said that the customs duty rate has been changed for policy continuity. He said that a separate bill has been brought to implement the suggestion to bring a systematic law on customs duties as an integral part of the economic bill. Minister Pun said that the bill was introduced based on the principle of charging the minimum duty when importing goods at the customs point and gradually increasing the country's production to become self-sufficient. In the

discussion, MP Rajendra Kumar KC requested not to impose expensive customs duty on food grains and fruits. All these three bills will be sent to the National Assembly after they are passed by the House of Representatives. After passing by the National Assembly, the message will come to the House of Representatives . After that it will be verified by Speaker Devraj Ghimire and sent to the President's Office for verification.

After President Ramchandra Poudel certifies the bill, it will be implemented as a law.

प्रकाशित : असार १६, २०८१ १८:१६
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