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२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

The Minister of Finance said: 2 billion is not kept in bond


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Finance Minister Barshman Pun has refuted the MPs' allegations that the Ministry of Finance has kept a large amount of money in the bank. He clarified that only 48.61 billion has been allocated for the Ministry of Finance in the coming financial year.

The Minister of Finance said: 2 billion is not kept in bond

Minister Pun said that under the financial transfer, 1 trillion 48 billion for financial equalization grants, 13.20 billion for complete grants and 12.90 billion for special grants, 1 trillion 74 billion more will be spent through provinces and local levels.

Responding to the question raised by the parliamentarians on the budget allocated for the Ministry of Finance in the House of Representatives meeting on Monday, Minister Pun said, "The total amount allocated to the Ministry of Finance is only 48.61 billion. I would like to inform the Honorable Parliament that under the remaining budget financial transfers, 1 trillion 48 billion will be spent on financial equalization grants, 13 billion 20 billion on supplementary grants, and 12 billion 90 billion on special grants. story- Break Minister Pun also said that the general expenses will be reduced and the budget implementation action plan will be brought by the end of June. He informed that 61.31 percent of current expenditure, 18.94 percent of capital and 19.74 percent of financial arrangements have been proposed for the next financial year. Compared to the current financial year, current expenses have been reduced for the next financial year and the budget has been increased towards capital expenses. In order to make the budget implementation effective, the project chief should not be transferred throughout the project period, work in two shifts on national priority projects, develop development project implementation laws, prepare the budget implementation action plan by the end of June, and prepare the necessary procedures and standards guidelines by the end of Shravan. He expressed confidence that the implementation of the budget will be successful.

Pun also said that the government is committed to the balanced development of all sectors. He mentioned that the government is clear that all the people's representatives have the same important role and rights in the process of discussing and approving the budget according to the prevailing laws, laws, guidelines and approved system for budget formulation.

He said that the government is committed to the proportional and balanced development of all geographical areas, class communities. However, the government made it clear that while allocating the budget, mandatory budget must be proposed preferentially for projects and programs that are affiliated to the project bank, have agreed to multi-year resources, are to be completed in the next financial year, have to pay created obligations, are sequentially and are spent under mandatory obligations .

'There may not be equal allocation in all the constituencies', he said, 'but it is not true that the government of Nepal has allocated more budget only for the constituencies of any party or leader or minister and the government's priority is committed to balanced and proportional development. I would like to inform the Honorable Parliament.'

Minister Pun also said that large projects will be at the association, medium state and small local levels. He said that the government is determined to ensure that there is no duplication between union, province and local level in order to achieve practical and profitable implementation of projects and programs, large projects are implemented by the union, medium projects are implemented by the province and small projects are implemented by the local level. He said that there may be some projects and programs with an allocation of less than 30 million for the completion of some projects towards conditional grants under the financial transfer.

Regarding the use of the climate fund and the use of green 'financing', Minister Pun assured that aid will be mobilized based on the climate fund and facilities, including the damage and loss fund available in a rights-oriented concept in accordance with the principles of environmental justice.

Regarding the question of increasing public debt burden, it is mentioned that as the ratio of total public debt to the gross domestic product is below 40 percent, it is mentioned that arrangements have been made to use the public debt in the productive sector and it is believed that it will contribute to the prosperity of the country . He clarified that the budget has given high importance to the sports sector as the budget has been increased by almost 22 percent for the Ministry of Sports in the next financial year as compared to the previous year.

Pune informed that the revenue collection target for the next fiscal year is balanced compared to the current fiscal year's revenue collection. He said that he believes that the goal of revenue collection can be achieved by coordinating the operations of making the economy run, increasing revenue collection with clear action plans and intensive market monitoring, and controlling revenue leakage.

प्रकाशित : असार १०, २०८१ १८:२८
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