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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २५०

Tribhuvan Airport Customs chief has been vacant for two months


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After two months of efforts, joint secretary Mahesh Baral has been transferred as the chief administrator of Tribhuvan International Airport Customs Office. The airport customs office, where there was a competition to be transferred at one time, was reluctant to become the head of customs after the incidents of gold smuggling started increasing recently.

Tribhuvan Airport Customs chief has been vacant for two months

There is a provision to have the post of Joint Secretary in the Chief Customs Administrator . But since the last week of January, the deputy secretary has been leading the customs . The customs of the only international airport of the federal capital had been operating on a regular basis for almost two and a half months.

Joint Secretary Baral was in the tax system reform task force under the Ministry of Finance . Sources claimed that Finance Minister Varshman Pun told Baral to send the customs to Fakaifu for the time when the budget comes. Baral went to the Ministry of Finance as the head of the company registrar's office for more than a year and a half.

Tokraj Pandey, who was transferred from the civil library, was transferred to the finance ministry last January from airport customs within five months. "The vacant post of Customs Administrator was vacant so far as none of the joint secretaries agreed to be transferred," the finance source said. Baral has been sent after the ministry was forced to send someone after there has been no head of customs at the international airport for a long time.

After the customs administrator became vacant, the Council of Ministers did not accept that the then deputy director general of the customs department, Sevent Pokharel, was transferred to the airport customs chief in the first week of February. He was on leave after being transferred when he went abroad.

He has now been transferred to the Deputy Director General of Internal Revenue Department . He took the position of not going to be the head of the customs office saying that he was able to remain in the post of deputy director general of the department as a senior joint secretary. He is known as a person who intervenes in the customs administration. Sobhakant Paudel, the Director General of the Customs Department, was transferred to the Public Finance Management Training Center in the second week of March.

There are currently 146 employees in airport customs and 136 people are working. A case is going on against 5 people including one officer. During the adjustment of some employees, those who were in Fazil are in the airport customs . A deputy secretary of the airport customs said that due to the increasing incidence of smuggling of gold and others, employees are not allowed to come because they are afraid of going to work, punishment and humiliation. He complained that they are left without parents due to the development of the practice of not helping the higher authorities in case of a case or any accusation. The Deputy Secretary asked, 'Why take the risk and take a job ?'

प्रकाशित : वैशाख २, २०८१ १७:३४
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