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२६.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५२

The sunrise seen from the 'hot air balloon'

सीमा तामाङ

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While returning from Kusma by bungee, I saw a 'hot air balloon' flying. A fire was burning inside the balloon. It was gone in no time. From the moment I saw the balloon in the sky, I was filled with excitement and openness. After reaching Pokhara, I felt that I must sit in a balloon and see Pokhara and its surroundings. Then it was decided - to gain experience in hot air balloons.

The sunrise seen from the 'hot air balloon'

Booking was made in Balloon Nepal for the next morning. Balun Nepal said that he would come to pick up the hotel at 6 in the morning. Pokhara, which was not open the previous day, would open the next morning and we went to 'The Beach' in Sedi and sat down with the hope of seeing Pokhara from the sky.

The next morning, the sleep was revealed . When I left the room, the first word of the day came out of my mouth - Wow! Lamatanna Phewatal and Pumdikot Mahadev at the top of the hill are right in front of your eyes. I finally understood why I was advised to stay at North Lakeside Sedi Leaving Phewa, we went further up . As Pamema got off the car, she saw a colorful "hot air balloon" on the ground.

Oh! How big is the balloon?

The staff was filling the balloon in the field, i.e. making it even bigger. I saw the same thing while flying in the sky. After getting closer, it looked like that . I started thinking about what would happen while sitting inside. The colorful 'hot air balloon' in the field was ready to fly.

When the balloon was being prepared, it was found that Bikram Bade, the president of Balloon Nepal, was bringing the balloon into Nepal and heating up the tourist atmosphere. "Hot air ballooning is an adventure game where you sit in a hot air balloon and drink kava in the air with spectacular views," Bade said.

Air is filled with fans inside its 'envelope' which looks like a balloon. After the balloon is shaped, the air is heated by burning the gas. The hot air takes the height of the balloon and the pilot flies by controlling the speed of the air. A 32 square meter basket is attached to the bottom of the 21 meter high balloon. Eight people can travel at once in the basket .

We entered the balloon one by one. After everyone sat in the basket of the balloon, the pilot of the balloon gave information about what to do and how to sit during take-up and landing. You don't have to do anything during takeup. But at the time of landing, we have to hide our body inside the basket. Of course, Muhar has to be protected.

We also did model practice inside the balloon as told by the pilot . The balloon slowly began to leave the ground . The leaves of those branches gradually became smaller. We reached a height of about 5 thousand meters from the surface.

The pilot looks towards the sun's rays and sees that the sun is rising . All our attention went there . The balloon we boarded was going towards the slowly rising sun . I closed my eyes and let the first rays of the rising sun hit my face . When you see it, you can feel the red and hot sunlight up close . By then everyone was busy taking pictures and making videos. I had hardly seen the view of the sunrise from so close.

pilot in the balloon Hruarrar lit the fire . It slowly faded away . With the first wave of the sun, we saw various mountains including Machhapuchre, Annapurna, Dhaulagiri. Below we saw Phewa Lake, the villages of Pokhara, and all the corners. Along with the light, the activity of the boats in Phewa was also increasing. We were floating in the balloon for about half an hour or we were flying. After an amazing flight, we were made to land at Palme. Got 'Bravery Certificate' .

What to take care of in a balloon flight?

You can choose a morning or evening flight according to whether you want to see the sunrise or the sunset. It is better to wear warm clothes because it is a high altitude flight. It is best to wear sports shoes with heels rather than sandals. Binoculars can be taken if you want to see distant scenes up close.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन ९, २०८० १६:१९
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