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YouTube removed 2.2 million videos from India in three months


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In three months of 2023 alone, YouTube has removed more than 2.254 million videos from India. After India, Singapore is the country with the highest number of videos removed. Between October and December, YouTube removed 1.243 million videos uploaded from Singapore from the platform. YouTube seems to have removed a large number of videos uploaded from the United States, Indonesia, Russia, Brazil, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Germany and Finland.

YouTube removed 2.2 million videos from India in three months

In the 'YouTube Community Guidelines Enforcement' report published by YouTube's parent company Google this week, it is mentioned that a total of 25,92,341 YouTube channels have been removed from around the world in three months. Adding videos that were automatically deleted after the cancellation of the channel, YouTube has removed 95.55 million 34 thousand contents during this period . Videos uploaded from within are the most removed.

According to YouTube, 96 percent of videos are removed through the 'automated flagging system'. This means that content (videos) that do not follow YouTube's community guidelines were automatically detected and deleted by the software. The company claims that the remaining 4 percent of the content was removed one by one by YouTube personnel. According to YouTube's Community Guidelines, content containing obscene and violent content, as well as harassment and hate speech, cannot be uploaded to the platform.

YouTube said that if a YouTube channel uploads three content against the Community Guidelines in 90 days, if it has only one video with serious abuse, or if there is an intention to act against the guidelines, then such channel will be canceled . According to YouTube's report, most of the 92.8 percent of channels that have been canceled were spam or misleading content uploads. Likewise, nudity or sexual content uploaded 4. 5 percent and 0.9 percent of channels that uploaded misleading content were removed, the report said. Even at the request of the government, YouTube has been removing videos.

The countries with the highest number of video removals are India, followed by Singapore, the United States of America, Indonesia, and Russia. More than 1 billion 197 million comments were also removed by YouTube during this period.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १५, २०८० १२:३८
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