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२१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १५९

Civil Liberation Party's Kichlo in Far West

Withdraw from the government – ​​the parliamentary party
There is no return except for the instructions of the party - Ministers
अर्जुन शाह

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Ghanshyam Chaudhary, the leader of Civil Liberties Party Sudurpaschim Parliamentary Party, has written a letter on Monday directing the ministers participating in the government to withdraw support from the state government. But the ministers participating in the government responded that the directive has no meaning.

Civil Liberation Party's Kichlo in Far West

Leader of the Parliamentary Party Ghanshyam Chaudhary has instructed the ministers Kailash Chaudhary and Tika Thapa, who are participating in the government, to withdraw their support and leave.

In the government led by Dilgh Bahadur Sodari of Integrated Socialists, Chaudhary is the Minister of Physical Infrastructure and Transport and Thapa is the Minister of Agriculture and Land Reforms. Both of them are supporters of President Ranjita Shrestha. It was because of their support that Sodari's appointment as Chief Minister was possible.

Five of the seven MPs of the Civil Liberties Party are still in the opposition. Members of Parliament in the opposition are Resham Chaudhary supporters. Even though the majority of the MPs are in the opposition, Chaudhary and Thapa have been participating in the government in violation of the directives of the leader of the parliamentary party, Chaudhary, with the strength of Speaker Ranjita.

The day after the party's majority members of the House of Representatives removed Ranjita Shrestha, the leader of the parliamentary party, on Sunday, Shrestha's supporters and ministers participating in the government were instructed to return to the state.

"We have sent a letter to the concerned minister, state assembly and the office of the state chief," said Chaudhary, the leader of the parliamentary party, "if they disobey the instructions given by the government to withdraw their support, we will take action." have said. Minister Kailash Chaudhary said, 'Ghanshyam Chaudhary did not send us to the government. It was sent by the party, we return only when the party asks to return.'

प्रकाशित : असार १७, २०८१ १९:१९
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