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Reading corner increasing children's desire to read

डीबी बुढा

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Jeevana Karki of Kanakasundari-7 is currently busy teaching her children at home. She is teaching her 4-year-old son Abhas Karki, who cannot go to school due to his young age, by making a study corner inside the house. One of his rooms has been set aside for study. Where educational materials are arranged.

Reading corner increasing children's desire to read

A learning-friendly room has been made by hanging educational material . As soon as his son Abhash enters the house, there is a mood to start studying. There is an arrangement to keep a copy, pen and dress in the same room as the reading corner. As the school is far away, she was taught according to the meaning of the classroom, said her mother Jeevan.

Abhash's habit of refusing to go to school and reading books has improved. The reading corner has a life experience of increasing the secret of reading in children . First, he did not know where to study. Insisted on sending to school . She said, "Now, the first school has become a study corner".

Sinja-6's 5-year-old Sitli Jaisi sits in the study corner every day after returning from school and does her homework. Reading is very important for him. Various pictures are hung on the walls of the room.

'Before, there was no reading corner at home and I did not have the habit of regular reading . "Nowadays, I like to read regularly", Sitli said, "I don't like to go somewhere else when I sit in a room with a reading corner". Parents have said that children who sit and read in the study area are very curious and show more interest in studies. Locals said that children prefer to read at home rather than school.

Kanakasundari's Abhash and Sinja's Sitli are the only representative characters in the reading room. Hundreds of children like him are sitting in the study corner and reading. After returning home from school every day, children are seen enjoying themselves in the study corner. Three hundred houses in Hima, Sinja and Kanakasundari Rural Municipality of Sinja region have been arranged for reading rooms.

The reading corner is considered very effective because parents can easily monitor whether children are reading in the reading corner. Jailal Khatri, Principal of Chulel Village Secondary School located in Sinja-2, said that in addition to the development of the habit of doing regular homework and reading, more attention has been paid to the safety of educational materials and personal hygiene.

According to him, it has been seen that the children who are studying in the reading corner are quick to understand and interested in learning. In coordination with the local level of Sinja area, Plan International Nepal and PACE Nepal have provided the educational materials needed in the study area. In Kankasundari rural municipality, one house and one reading corner campaign has been going on.

120 in Hima, 60 in Sinja and 93 in Kankasundari 273 Kishore Neupane, executive director of Pace Nepal, which is running the reading corner, informed. In families where the learning level of the students is weak, the education corner has been started to improve the learning of the children from the parents through the parent education program. Director Neupane says that reading corner has changed children's habit of reading at home as well as their daily activities.

Shankar Dhital, chief administrative officer of Sinja, said that the school has changed the learning activities of children. There has been an improvement in the learning level of children, he said, "Parents have also become aware of their children's education". The reading room is considered very good for children who cannot go to school. They are reading by looking at letters and pictures. Children are going to school only after being able to recognize letters, make pictures and describe them in the reading corner.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ६, २०८१ १५:४८
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