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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५२

All four who shot at Tarun Dal member Giri were sent to jail


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All the four people who shot at Tarun Dal Surkhet member and construction businessman Vinod Giri have been sent to jail.

District Court Information Officer Ujjwaldev Rawal said that the jail has been opened as per the order of Judge Manoj Shrestha to keep him in custody for pre-trial detention. The main shooter, 19-year-old Rohit Rajput of Dadanagarganj, Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh, Indra Vick, 18, Bharat Bhul, 18, and Rajan Giri, 37, of Birendranagar 4, Surkhet, were sent to jail.

In the evening of February 12th, a car number 01-029 Ch 7264 of Vagmati Pradesh, in which Vinod Giri was riding, was shot at in Garigaon located in Birendranagar-3. Some people who came on a motorcycle numbered Bhe 5 P 6061 fired shots.

Giri said that because the police did not investigate properly, the main suspect in the shooting is roaming freely. "The police has hesitated to arrest the main planner, the police knows everything, but it is a mystery why they could not arrest him," said Giri, "if another incident like this happens tomorrow, who will be held accountable."

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ४, २०८१ ०९:१५
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