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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २०८

Convention meeting convened at Lumbini on Thursday at 4 pm

वीरेन्द्र केसी

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The cabinet meeting of the Lumbini state government has decided to convene the budget session on Thursday. Chief Minister Dilli Bahadur Chaudhary called the session for the purpose of vote of confidence. Home Minister and government spokesperson Santosh Kumar Pandey said that it was decided to call the meeting at 4 pm.

Convention meeting convened at Lumbini on Thursday at 4 pm

After the change of power at the center, the Maoists withdraw their support to Choudhary on February 23, there is a legal provision that a vote of confidence must be taken within one month, i.e. on March 22.

Being in the minority, he ended the winter session of the state assembly for 3 days.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २०, २०८० ११:०६
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