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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५२

Motorcycle accident in Gorkha: One dead

हरिराम उप्रेती

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27-year-old Milan Thapa Magar of Siranchok rural municipality-6 Nayasanghu died in a motorcycle accident.

Motorcycle accident in Gorkha: One dead

On Saturday night, Thapa, who was riding the motorcycle, was injured when a motorcycle numbered Ba 91 P 458 went out of control at Bhaluswara on the Bahrkilo-Barpak road section. The police said that the injured Thapa died in the Gorkha hospital during treatment.

After the incident, the motorcyclist Rajesh Periyar of Gorkha municipality-3 is absconding and the search is on, according to Shekhar Khadka, police inspector of District Police Office Gorkha. He also said that the motorcycle police station is under the control of Nayasanghu. The police said that the incident is being investigated.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन २०, २०८० १३:०९
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