कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२६.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५२

Irrigation of 66 thousand hectares of land in Gandaki

प्रतीक्षा काफ्ले

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The total area of ​​Gandaki province is 21 thousand 733 square kilometers. Out of which 66 thousand 457 hectares of land has been irrigated. According to the 6-year book published by the Gandaki state government, it has been mentioned that reliable irrigation facilities have been reached in the said area.

Irrigation of 66 thousand hectares of land in Gandaki

In the financial year 2080/81, the development of new projects and the rehabilitation and improvement of the existing irrigation system, the improvement and upgrading of the farmers' huts have provided twelve-month irrigation facilities to a total of 96 hectares of land. As part of the provincial government's policy to expand irrigation facilities, Chapakot Tar in Syangja, Atrauliputtar in Tanahun, Phalewas in Parbat and Ramghatar in Lamjung have been advanced with priority .

It is mentioned in the book that the new command area has been expanded to a total of 4 thousand 61 hectares of land based on the irrigation system and surface irrigation, based on new technology and the implementation of the underground shallow and deep tubewell project. The secretary of the Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Drinking Water, Ganesh Raj Vasti, informed that 14 thousand 653 hectares of land will be provided irrigation facilities every twelve months through the upgradation and rehabilitation of farmers' villages. According to him, a new dam has been constructed in Ooltikhola of Nawalpur and the irrigation scheme has been put into operation.

Secretary Vasti said that the dam rehabilitation work of the Seti Canal system in Pokhara has also been completed. According to the statistics of the ministry, 96 kilometers of embankments have been constructed and settlements, markets, land, physical and cultural assets have been protected after the completion of river control and embankment plans. So far, 141 thousand 917 beneficiaries have benefited from this towards irrigation and river control.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन २०, २०८० १३:२४
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