कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२६.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५२

A paddy planting pad for farmers

नवीन पौडेल

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In East Nawalparasi, farmers are currently planting chaite (winter) paddy. Farmers in the vicinity of underground irrigation and wetlands are now reluctant to plant rice. In Kawasoti, Goudakot, Devchuli, Madhyabindu Municipality, Vinayi Triveni, Bullingtar and Chitchikali rural areas of the district, chaite paddy has been cultivated.

A paddy planting pad for farmers

According to Kul Prasad Tiwari, head of Agricultural Knowledge Center Nawalpur, the yield of Chaite rice is better than the rice grown in June, so the interest of farmers in this field has increased.

Every year the area is increasing from two to three hundred hectares. Last year one thousand two hundred The Krishi Gyan Kendra estimates that 1,325 hectares of Chaite rice will be cultivated this year.

When the local level started giving 50% subsidy for fertilizer and seeds to encourage the farmers to plant chaitedhana, the farmers were excited. Last year, 6 thousand 123 metric tons of paddy was produced in the district.

Production is expected to increase this year. In this area Chait 5, Planting of local varieties of rice including Hardinath-1 has been done.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन १६, २०८० १६:५५
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