कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
३०.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ९५

Injured says - 'The bus fell after slipping on the construction materials scattered on the road'

अनिश तिवारी

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The injured of the bus accident that took place on Friday morning in Dharavati in Tauthali, Tripurasundari Rural Municipality-5, said that the accident was caused by the narrow road and haphazardly placed construction materials.

Injured says - 'The bus fell after slipping on the construction materials scattered on the road'

Passenger bus No. Ba 4 B 5616, which was carrying people from Bhimeshwar Municipality-1 Suspa of Dolakha, fell a hundred meters down the road on Friday morning. Three people died and 52 others were injured in the accident. The injured in the

accident said that the accident happened due to construction materials piled randomly on the narrow road. In that accident, the police said that the bus itself fell out of control.

23-year-old Ramesh Thami of Bhimeshwar Municipality-1, who was injured in the accident, said that the bus suddenly fell while traveling with construction materials. 'Sand and gravel were scattered all over the road. Dhulame road, the same potholes,' he said, 'where the accident happened, the ground collapsed and we fell down one hundred meters with the bus.' He said that he found himself in the hospital bed at once after he died in the accident.

Another injured 24-year-old Rajkumar Thami also claimed that the accident happened due to construction materials thrown randomly on the road. "There are random gravel scattered on the narrow road," he said, "while trying to cross the road over the same gravel, the wheel slipped and overturned." 17-year-old Shiv Shrestha, 70-year-old Man Bahadur Thami and 19-year-old Dipendra Thami of Dolakha Bhimeshwar Municipality-1 were killed in the accident.

According to the police, four seriously injured people were referred to Dhulikhel and Kathmandu hospitals as treatment was not possible here. 21 of the injured have been discharged after normal treatment.

Others are being treated at Sindhu Sadabahar Hospital in Khadichaur.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ७, २०८१ १९:०४
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