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UML's Yadav took oath as a minister in the Madhesh government


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Saroj Kumar Yadav, Chief Minister of Madhesh Province, has reconstituted the Council of Ministers. With the reshuffle of the power coalition at the center, a new coalition government has been formed in Madhesh.

UML's Yadav took oath as a minister in the Madhesh government

In Madhesh, Yadav, elected from Jaspa, is the chief minister. The parties in the new coalition have joined the government under his leadership.

Chief Minister Yadav removed the Congress ministers and gave the responsibility of the physical infrastructure ministry to Saroj Kumar Yadav, the leader of the UML parliamentary party. Soon after, Minister Yadav took the oath of office and secrecy from the state chief Sumitra Subedi Bhandari.

Although it was agreed that UML will get four ministries in the coalition, now only Yadav, the leader of the party, has become a minister. The remaining four ministries are held by the Chief Minister himself. Other ministers have continued.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र ५, २०८० १६:४८
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