२१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १९८

Death of a child who was injured in the fire


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One of the children seriously injured in the fire in Dhankuta Municipality-3 Kagate died on Monday.

The police said that three-year-old Vivek Shrestha was among those who died. On Sunday, Shrestha's 10-year-old son Roshan and 3-year-old Vivek were seriously injured in a fire near the house of local Raju Shrestha.

Both the injured were taken to Arya Neuro Hospital in Biratnagar for treatment after first treatment at the district hospital. According to police sources, Vivek died on the way while being taken to Kathmandu for further treatment.

The children were injured after the fire started by collecting dry leaves and grass in the garden went out of control. Among the injured, Roshan's hands and feet and Vivek's entire body below the neck were burnt.

Another injured boy, Roshan, is being treated at Arya Neuro Hospital in Biratnagar.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २६, २०८० २०:१३
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