२१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८०

1.5 million compensation to the family of the child who drowned in the pond


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It has been agreed that the families of two children who died after drowning in a pond in Dhankuta Municipality-10 Marga on Saturday afternoon will be provided compensation at the rate of 15 lakhs.

11-year-old Manish Khatiwada of Dhankuta-10 and 15-year-old Dipesh Ojha of Ward-9 died after drowning in the pond with the waste material of the local Vijay Polti firm.

Locals protested saying that the incident happened due to the careless construction of the pond by the firm. Ward president of Dhankuta-9 Tank Roila said that in the presence of parents of deceased children, public representatives, administration, etc., it was agreed to provide compensation at the rate of 15-15 lakh rupees to the family of the child.

It has been agreed in writing that the amount will be provided within the first week of next Baisah. Similarly, the firm will provide all expenses including cremation of the deceased.

According to the police, the children died after drowning in the swamp pond mixed with sewage from the sewage company. Locals found the bodies of both children in the pond. Relatives of the deceased and local residents reached the district police and district administration office on Sunday and demanded an investigation into the incident. District Police Chief SP Shyamsingh Chaudhary said that the investigation into the

incident is continuing. Polti firm manager Munish Sani has been detained by the police.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २६, २०८० १७:३६
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