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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १९१

86 complaints of corruption in Sankhuwasabha


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According to the Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority, 86 complaints of corruption were received in Sankhuwasabha. In a program on corruption control and promotion of good governance held in Khandbari on Wednesday, the authority said that corruption complaints have also increased in Sankhuwasabha.

86 complaints of corruption in Sankhuwasabha

According to Itahari, Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority, 86 complaints have been filed in Sankhuwasabha since July. 86 complaints have been received from government offices and local levels.

Concerned officials have expressed concern about the recent increase in corruption in government offices. They opined that corruption cannot be controlled without political will and commitment and cautious public pressure.

Hari Paudel, Commissioner of the Commission, said that corruption has increased when the local level does not work effectively. Paudel said that good governance can be brought only by working within the rules and boundaries of the local level.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र ७, २०८० १८:२७
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