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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २०८

2.3 lakh bonus to the company which will be built before the expiry date


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Arun Barun Construction Services Company, which was able to complete the construction work before the contract, received a bonus of 23 lakh rupees.

The company received a bonus of 23 lakh rupees after completing the building construction of the veterinary hospital and animal service expert center before the contract.

The work of the building was supposed to be completed on Baisakh 16, 2081 after signing an agreement on Baisakh 16, 2079. The construction company completed and handed over 5 months and 28 days before the contract. Arun Barun Construction Service Company, which had been awarded a contract for 39.99 million, had contracted to build it for 29.5 million.

Due to the completion of the construction work before the deadline, the builder was given a bonus of 23 lakh rupees more than the contract. Himalaya Pokhrel, Head of Animal Services Expert Center informed.

During a program of the building on Monday, Koshi Province Industry, Agriculture and Cooperative Minister Ramkumar Khatri inaugurated the new building.

He thanked the builders for completing the building before the deadline. He also handed over the certificate to the managing director of the construction company, Mugur Sherpa.

The work on the new building started six months ago, but the inauguration was done on Monday. Veterinary Hospital and Animal Services Expert Center provides services in Sankhuwasabha and Bhojpur.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र ५, २०८० १९:३९
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