कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
३१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८३

Unrelenting exploitation of private schools

पाठक पत्र

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Education is the bright light of life, the path to knowledge, an indispensable necessity for consciousness. Baama, the phrase that is always said by all the elders and is often heard even when being blessed on Dasain - "Read a lot". But now most of the parents are worried that the dream of educating their children and making them a big person will not be limited to a dream. Due to the arbitrariness of the schools, tendency to abuse, high fees, etc., the parents have reached a situation where they cannot educate their children.

Unrelenting exploitation of private schools

It is not that they do not have government schools, but their plight is not hidden from anyone. Rather than providing quality education, government schools have become recruiting centers for leaders, district education officers, chief district officers, wives and relatives of those with money and power. How can most of the incompetent teachers who are recruited because of politics teach? It is futile to expect quality teaching from such teachers. That is why parents have to rely on private schools anyway. And, private schools who understand this obligation of parents are exploiting it to the point of doing it.

Even when the country's economy is in such a state of chaos, private schools have been rubbing the parents' backs in the name of admission fees, car rental, lunch-meals, menstruation fees, sports, music classes, etc. Books, copies, school uniforms are given to certain contractors. He has to pay as much money as he said. No discounts available. Textbooks change every year. From time to time, the school uniform is also changed. Do not accept any advice or suggestions from parents.

If a parent asks to correct some shortcomings, his child is shocked and scolded. The list of such misdeeds committed by private schools in the name of education is long and they are frequently reported in the media. However, the government is not able to control it. The reason for this is unknown. School morale may be on the rise because people who are doing business by making education more than a service, have access to power.

Schools, colleges, medical colleges are under siege by the mafia. Because the high-ranking people are direct or indirect investors, the private schools and colleges are getting a discount to make loot. Let the Ministry of Education and Municipalities pay attention as soon as possible to create an environment where people can study at an affordable cost by breaking the cycle of distortions that is going on in the name of education.
– Roshan Bhattarai, Inruva-3, Sunsari

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ११, २०८१ ०३:३१
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