कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Change of MPs in the subject committees of the House of Representatives


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Some members of the House of Representatives have been reassigned to thematic committees. In Thursday's House of Representatives meeting, Speaker Devraj Ghimire informed the members of the House of Representatives that the subject committees have been changed.

Change of MPs in the subject committees of the House of Representatives

According to which, Anita Devi has been nominated in place of Abdul Khan in the Work Arrangement Consultative Committee.

Dr. Dolprasad Aryal's place in the parliamentary hearing committee. Swarnim Wagle's name has been changed. Similarly, in the finance committee, Dr. Prakasharan Mahat, Narayan Prakash Saud in the International Relations and Tourism Committee, Sita Gurung and Suhang Nemwang in the Law, Justice and Human Rights Committee. is

Similarly, Ramesh Rizal and Surendraraj Acharya have been placed in the industry and commerce and labor and consumer welfare committees. Tek Bahadur Gurung has been placed in the Agriculture Cooperative and Natural Resources Committee, while Dhanraj Gurung, Dig Bahadur Limbu and Mohan Bahadur Basnet have been placed in the Education, Health and Information Technology Committee.

According to Speaker Ghimire, Anita Devi has been placed in the State Order and Good Governance Committee. Hari Dhakal, a member of the House of Representatives, has been transferred from the Public Accounts Committee to the State Order and Good Governance Committee, while Asim Sah has been transferred from the Industry and Commerce and Labor and Consumer Welfare Committee to the Public Accounts Committee.

प्रकाशित : असार १३, २०८१ १५:२३
जनताको राय

लामो समयदेखि किसानलाई भुक्तानी नदिएका दूग्ध उद्योगीहरूले उल्टै 'मिल्क होलिडे' को चेतावनी दिएकोबारे तपाईंको भनाई के छ ?
