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Nepal in the process of becoming the unanimous chairman of the United Socialist Congress

Those who rebelled and formed the party asked to be given one term, Khanal and Bhusal's stance of not giving up their claims
गंगा बीसी

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As the Congress of United Samajwadi is approaching, President Madhav Kumar Nepal is again engaged in the exercise of being unanimously elected as the leader. Leader Jhalnath Khanal and General Secretary Ghanshyam Bhusal are going to challenge Nepal in the race for the presidency.

Nepal in the process of becoming the unanimous chairman of the United Socialist Congress

Nepal has asked Khanal to unanimously elect him as the president for one term as he formed a party by 'rebelling' from UML. In the dialogue on Sunday, he promised to keep Khanal in an honorable position. However, Khanal rejected the offer and asked for his support. Khanal informed that an agreement could not be reached after both of them did not leave the position of the chairman.

Both the leaders have been in the leadership level of the party and the government many times after the Panchayat period and Jan Andolan 046. Nepal has been party president once, party general secretary three times, senior leader once, prime minister once. Khanal has been the general secretary of CPN-Male in 2039 and once became the prime minister. It seems that there will be a competition between them again for leadership.

Nepal has promised to build a strong party in the future by saying that he has succeeded in forming a new party and has led to create a country-wide organization. Khanal has said that Nepal's policy is oriented towards the right wing, that it has not been able to lead strongly after forming a new party, and that it has failed to bring the expected results in the elections, so he will run for the presidency as an alternative.

Madhavji's decision to choose unanimous leadership or contest is in his hands, he said. Khanal mentioned that the policy of socialism would be passed by the convention and claimed that the policy of multi-party democracy of the people of Nepal would fail. "Once the policy of socialism was passed, my leadership became automatic," he said.

Nepal's close leader and vice president Beduram Bhusal said that he played a leading role in the party building, rebelled against oppression within the UML, and the future course of action is also his, so the dialogue has started to bring the old leadership to consensus. "The majority of representative friends have come to the opinion that the old leadership should be maintained," he said. Madhavji's leadership may be agreed upon.'

For four decades, Nepal and Khanal have been in power and party power, General Secretary Bhusal has prepared for the competition for the presidency, saying that there should be a generational transition in leadership. He said that the current leadership has failed to give a new momentum to the party by justifying the division of UML, and that the old leadership lacked the capacity to prepare the basis of socialism.

"If this situation happens, the integrated socialist will remain trapped in the roundabout," said a leader near Bhusal, "that's why it is necessary to transfer the leadership." For that, Bhusal is preparing to contest for the presidency. The youth leader of the Samajwadi Party has also supported him as the president saying that Bhusal's role will be important in advancing the communist movement.

Chairman Nepal is in favor of taking unanimous leadership by re-instating Bhusal as the General Secretary. Bhusal, who ran as an independent candidate from Rupandehi-1 in the November 2079 election, was nominated as the general secretary of Samajwadi Party in March 2079. In the 10th Congress of UML held in Saurah in November 2078, he contested for the position of Vice President of UML and was defeated. After that he left the UML.

Deputy General Secretary Gangalal Tuladhar, close to Nepal, said that there is a possibility of competition for the chairmanship due to Bhusal in the party. He claimed that the leadership of Nepal is more important than the issue of generational transfer in the Communist Party. If there is an election for the president, it will be because of Ghanshyamji. "Someone has elevated him," Tuladhar alleged, "after becoming the general secretary, it is appropriate to move forward after evaluating the role he played in accelerating the party." "A legal provision can be made to keep Khanal, a respected leader who has contributed to the party and the revolution, in a dignified position," he said.

Leaders close to Nepal are suspicious of Khanal's candidacy for the presidency. Khanal, who announced that he will not sit in an executive role, has now decided to become the chairman. If he was the president, he would make the merger by saying that it was wrong to revolt from UML,'' a leader alleged. Deputy General Secretaries Tuladhar, Prakash Jwala, Jagannath Khatiwada, Vijay Paudel are aspiring for General Secretary.

was split from the United Samajwadi UML in August 2078. The party's convention is being held in Kathmandu from June 16 to 20. One thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight delegates will elect the leadership in the Tenth Congress. Convention representatives have been selected this week. The convention will adopt a political and organizational report. There will be 1,878 delegates including 425 women, 150 Dalits and 1,303 open delegates.

प्रकाशित : असार १२, २०८१ ०६:३२
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